Fall 2007 Week 9: UML Overview MSIS 670: Object-Oriented Software Engineering
10/13/2007 UML UML (Unified Modeling Language). –UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. –UML provides the precise notation that we need when modeling software systems.
10/13/2007 Figure 1: UML Models using Use-Case Driven Approach (Rosenburg, 1999)
10/13/2007 Dynamic Modeling: Use Case Model Use case modeling breaks down the entire scope of system functionality into many smaller statements of system functionality called use cases or business events. –A use case: a behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario), both automated and manual for the purpose of completing a single business task.
10/13/2007 Use Case Model Composition
10/13/2007 Static Modeling: Class Diagram The Class Diagram shows classes’ single or multiple inheritance hierarchies and classes’ other interconnections via the association, composition, and aggregation constructs.
Activity Diagrams Shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities needed to accomplish a business process Clearly shows parallel and alternative behaviors Can be used to show the logic of a use case
10/13/2007 Activity Diagram
10/13/2007 Interaction Diagrams Interaction diagrams are models that describe how a group of objects collaborate in some behavior - typically a single use- case. Interaction diagrams come in two forms, both present in the UML: Sequence diagram and collaboration diagram
10/13/2007 A collaboration diagram
10/13/2007 A Sequence Diagram
10/13/2007 Other Types of Diagrams in UML Object Models/Domain Models Robustness Diagram (Not UML 2) State Diagram (Chart) Component Diagram Deployment Diagram
10/13/2007 UML Project (Fall 2007) The project will be similar to a real-world development project. However, with limitation in schedule, the following models should be created (in order): 1. Use case diagram 2. Initial class diagram 3. Activity diagram 4. Sequence diagram 5. Refined class diagram