Spiro Agnew
New Federalism Limits –Vietnam, Great Society, prosperity Revenue Sharing –Other levels given more control –Biggest change in govt. spending since … Playing politics –Supporting “Great Society” goals, but “impounding” billions
Sneaky Tricks “Law & Order” for the “Silent Majority” Enemies List –FBI, CIA, IRS
Southern Strategy Eyes on `72 election –`68: narrow win, George Wallace factor Slowing integration –Reverse Brown vs. Board –Block the Voting Rights Act –Oppose the Charlotte-Mecklenburg decision
Judicial Strategy Supreme Court –4 out of 9 –Warren out, Rehnquist in
The Economy Stagflation: unemployment and inflation 60s spending, West Ger. & Japan, OPEC
Foreign Policy Realpolitik Power vs. philosophy Realism vs. containment Détente: easing Cold War tensions Henry Kissinger
“ping pong diplomacy” and “the ping heard ‘round the world”