Accessing and Applying SRI Data at Kennedy MS David Hanna Assistant Principal Kennedy MS LEADERS IN LITERACY CONFERENCE
Essential Question How can we use reading comprehension data to better meet the needs of Aiken County students?
By the end of the session today, the participant will…. Be able to access the SRI portal. Be able to run various classroom reports using the SRI portal. Be able to run individual student reports using the SRI portal. Reflect on their own instructional practices and how they will use reading comprehension data in their own classrooms.
About Me I am in my 15 th year as an educator, all in Aiken County. I taught High School Math for 11 years and I am currently in my 4 th year as a Middle School Assistant Principal. This is my 3 rd year at Kennedy MS. I can be reached at the following: Work Number—
Accessing the SRI Portal Access the SRI Portal through the Aiken County School District website.
SRI Login Screen Your username is the same as your Novell Login. Unless you have changed it, your password in
Click on SAM
Notes about the Login Screen Classes—I have renamed the classes for the teachers at my school. If your administrator has not done so for you, your classes will appear as a Powerschool Number. If we have time at the conclusion of the presentation, I will show you how to rename your classes. Students—Self Explanatory, These are all of the students that you teach. Reports—The focus of our presentation today. We will be going through the various student and class SRI reports.
Home Screen
Classroom Reports Double Click on a Class to Choose a Class, then Click on Reports. Foundational Reading Report Growth Goals Report Growth Report Instructional Planning Report Proficiency Report Reading Performance Report Student Roster Test Complexity Report
Classroom Reports Screenshot
Accessing the Reports Click on the Report you would like to access and Click on Run Report in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Instructional Planning Report Students are sorted originally in alphabetical order by performance band. There are 4 performance bands—Advanced, Core, Strategic, and Intensive Students who are Strategic and Intensive will be targeted for intervention within their schools. If you would like to sort within each individual heading, simply click on the blue heading and the data will sort.
Instructional Planning Report-- Original
Instructional Planning Report— Sorted by Lexile
Proficiency Report Compares how students in your class are performing in comparison to other students in the district.
Reading Performance Report Students are originally sorted alphabetically.
Reading Performance Report— Sorted by Lexile Click on the heading to sort by the particular heading.
Student Roster Student ID—Powerschool Number, Username—Student’s Novell Login, Password—Password to access SRI
Growth In the past, accountability measures have required students to achieve a certain proficiency standard. SLOs and the district’s expectation for reading require student’s to achieve one year’s growth. The attached link (p.26-37) will take you to a chart which will help you determine individual growth goals for all students by grade level and ten point increments. SRI_GrowthExpectationsSetting_2.pdf
Growth Goals Report The growth goals report shows the goals for each individual student as a range. The individualized number on the previously referenced growth goals chart is the mean number of that range. The targets reflected on the growth goals report are targets established assuming the student received NO interventions.
Growth Goals Report
Growth Report
Grade Level Conversion Chart
Grade Level Conversion Chart
Student Reports Can be accessed by clicking on an individual student. Parent Reports in English and Spanish—Introductory Letters to Parents about SRI testing. Progress to College and Career Report Recommended Reading Report Student Action Report Student Test Printout
Progress to College and Career Report Have to click Print Preview to view the report as a.pdf.
Recommended Reading Report Before each student took the SRI for the first time, they had to choose 3 genres of books which interested them. Based on the student’s SRI score, a Recommended Reading Report is generated, which provides each student a list of books to read at an appropriate lexile level in their interest areas.
Recommended Reading Report
Student Action Report An individualized action plan for a student to increase their reading level.
Student Test Printout When students took MAP in the past, sometimes you would have that sneaking suspicion that a student did not provide their best effort on the test. Sometimes with MAP, you would even look at the time stamp and say, “There is no way Johnny answered 43 questions in 15 minutes.” SRI does put a diamond beside a student’s score if the student took less than 15 minutes on the test. However, if you REALLY suspect a student did not provide their best effort, you can print off the student’s test and read it to them, simply click Print Preview once you choose Student Test Printout.
We have data, now what? Turn to your elbow partner and share 3 ways how this information will impact your instructional practices in the classroom.
In conclusion, are we… able to access the SRI portal? able to run various classroom reports using the SRI portal? able to run individual student reports using the SRI portal? Have we reflected on our own instructional practices and how we will use reading comprehension data in their own classrooms?
Any questions?? David Hanna Assistant Principal Kennedy MS Please make sure you have signed in!! Thank you for attending!!