Hampshire County Governors Forum Briefing 21 March 2013 Supporting (Troubled) Families Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

Hampshire County Governors Forum Briefing 21 March 2013 Supporting (Troubled) Families Programme

Background – National Programme Civil unrest over 5 days of August 2011 Public service costs/ Total Place Prime Minister’s commitment re 120,000 families costing approx £9bn p/a (£8bn of which is reactive) Troubled Family Unit – Communities and Local Government Sharing information Payment by results investment Network of Local Leads funded by CLG Links to DWP Work Programme Emphasis on Services (Local Authorities, Police, Health/GP’s, Prisons, Probation, Schools, Housing, YOT, VCS) working differently together

The Hampshire ‘ambition’ 1,590 families across Hampshire over the next 3 years (530 in 12/13) Improved outcomes and lasting positive changes to the lives of families Greater inter-agency coordination and joined up working with whole families Change the way we work – Not just more of the same 3 year programme, but sustainable transformational change

Troubled families are households who: 1. Are involved in crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB); 2. Have children not in school (85% or less attendance/3 or more fixed term Excl/Perm Excl) 3. Have an adult on out of work benefits. …..and as a result cause high costs to the public purse. DCLG funding can only be claimed for those families meeting at least two of the three criteria Local discretion filters can also be used by partners – Domestic Violence & Mental Health has been adopted as a filter throughout Hants Programme is voluntary & consent of families needed Flexibility for other high cost/high demand families National definition

In receipt of high cost statutory interventions within the social care, mental health, criminal justice system Receiving regular specialist and targeted interventions for severe and/ or persistent problems Families accessing universal community support services at vulnerable points in their lives Family members coming into regular contact with police, social care, housing, primary and acute health services, school welfare – triggering agency assessments Troub Troubled Families Cohort Cohort Not families where statutory interventions in place, but high cost families with persistent problems at risk of escalating Troubled families cohort

PrograProgramme StructureStructur and Governance STFP Management Group (Chair: Paul Archer, Director Policy & Governance, HCC) STFP Partnership Board (Chair: Cllr Keith Mans) STFP Strategic Coordinator and Programme Team Ian Langley, Gary Westbrook, Volker Buck HCC Accountable Body DCLG Troubled Families Unit 10 Local Co-ordination Groups based on District Council Areas (Havant & E Hants Combined) School Referrals/influence

Delivery DeliryAroac DDApprocDelivery Approach Multi Agency (incl schools/GP’s) Identification of Families Single Family Plans for every family Twin Track Approach Independent Evaluation and Strategic Business Case 1,095 Families 495 Families Centrally commissioned Intensive Family Support Services Locally determined solutions

Finances DCLG payment by results funding – one off per family funding linked to demonstrating outcomes Upfront “Attachment Fee” (average 60%) and in arrears “Reward Funding” (average 40%) based on demonstrating successful outcomes Robust evidence / audit trail will be required to claim reward funding DCLG funding alone will not meet local need. Additional contributions already identified (HCC Leaders contribution, FIP provision, Constabulary contribution)

Progress to date 500 families identified to date – about a third hit all three criteria Family Plans completed for approx 50% Local Branding agreed. Intensive Family Support Service being commission & on track for April ‘13 start Local Evaluation being commissioned from local University Communication updates Engagement with families has started! FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE via

How can Schools get involved? Key leadership role Key partner for the identification of families Liaison with Senior Responsible Officers and Local Coordination Groups Key Delivery Partner (team around the family and family plans) in particular with school attendance strategies Utilise existing relationships to help engage with families and communities Agencies pulling in the same direction/pooling of resources/joint commissioning e.g. Pupil Premium