Using the CBR Lisa M Suarez-Caraballo
Using the CBR with the TI-73/83+ Agenda APPlications on the TI-73 Using the CBR – Motion Detector Pre Test Your Name’s the Game Sample Student Responses to PreTest
Pre Test Jose’s mother sent him to the store to buy some things that she needed. Half way to the store Jose realized that he had left the money sitting on the table. He turned around, went home, got the money and returned to the store where he bought the items his mother had asked for and went back home.
Make a Distance vs. Time graph of Jose’s Motion. Time Distance
Using the CBR
Your Name’s the Game! Using the CBL/CBR APP and moving with or in front of the CBR try to “draw” the first letter of your first name on the screen.
Choose SET DEFAULTS to run CBR and follow on screen directions Select Ranger
To try again, select 3: Repeat Sample from the Plot Menu Press Enter to begin collecting data and make a graph
What letters could you make? M N W WHY??
Student Pre Test Responses
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