Slide Layouts There are several different types of slides. Depending on the type of presentation you are creating you may use several different slide layouts or just keep repeating the same few.
Moving From Slide to Slide Scroll Bar Clicking on the desired slide displayed on the left side of the screen.
Bullets and Numbering To Change Bullets and Numbering… Select the text. Click the Home menu. Select the desired bullet, can customize if you wish. If you want more options, select Bullets and Numbering… (Here you can select a new color for the bullet too.)
Fonts Serif vs. Sans-serif –A "serif" is a small, decorative mark that finishes off the stroke of a letter. –“sans-serif" - means without serif. If a presentation contains a lot of text it's good to use a “serif” font. Sans-serif fonts tend to create a more casual, less-formal impression. Designers recommend using different font styles for headers and the rest of the text. san-serif font for the header serif font for the body If you want to use different fonts within the same presentation it's best to keep it down to only two or three.
Text boxes Moving 1. Click the text box you want to move. 2. Place the pointer on the border. The pointer will change into a four-headed arrow. 3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the box to the new location. 4. Release the mouse button. Sizing 1. Click the text box to select it. 2. Place the pointer on a resizing handle. The pointer will change into a two-headed arrow. 3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the resizing handle until the box is the size you want. Color 1. Click the text box to select it. 2. Click the Shape Fill button, and select desired color. Outlining 1. Click the text box to select it. 2. Click the Shape Outline button, and select desired color. 3. Click the Weight option, and select the one you want 3. Next, click the Dashes option, and select the one you want. 5. Click outside the text box to deselect it.
Header/Footer Go to the Insert Menu Select Header & Footer Make desired changes – Apply or Apply to All
Images Adding Shapes, Clipart, and Pictures – Add these elements to your presentation using Insert menu. You can move, color, size, and crop these however you wish. You can also layer and add shadows by selecting your object and using the drawing toolbar. – To crop use this button : (locate on the Format Menu)
Adding your own buttons The following steps show you how to add action buttons to your slides. Viewers click the buttons to advance slides. Go to Insert Menu. Click the Shapes button, point to Action Buttons, then click the button of your choice. The pointer changes into a cross. Click on the slide and drag, until the action button is the size you want. The Action settings dialog box will appear. Notice the option next to Hyperlink to Next Slide is already selected. You can change this if you wish. Click OK to close the Action Settings dialog box.
Tables Add a table by selecting number of rows and columns. Adjust the height and width of cells by use the mouse to click and draw the borders where ever you want them. You can change the boarders and fill with color by right clicking on the table and selecting “Borders and fill…
Charts Chart Types – Pie – Bar – Line – Etc. Click this button under the Insert menu
SmartArt Lets you add diagrams to your slides
Sound Click Insert menu, select Audio, and then click “Clip Art Audio” to select your sound. – Under Audio Tools You can choose to have it play automatically or when you click it, loop the sound, and hide the sound object for view during your presentation. You can also.. – Record your own – Select sound from a CD-Track
Movie You can add a movie clip to your presentation. Click Insert menu, select Video and then click “Movie from File” to select your video clip.