C LASS OF O RIENTATION August 24 th, 2015, 6:00PM SHS Rm. 301
W HAT IS GLVPAA ? GLVPAA is for all students with a serious interest in the arts. It is an academy located within Sandusky High School that combines a rigorous college preparatory curriculum with the arts. G OALS FOR GLVPAA S TUDENTS Students will develop the self-motivation, discipline, creative problem solving and concentration required to excel in academics and the arts and will transfer these qualities to real world applications. -Training in the arts is intended to connect the students to learning experiences, to raise their self-esteem and to provide them with opportunities for Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
E IGHTH G RADE A CCEPTANCE TO THE GLVPAA We will offer eligible students going into the 8 th grade, the opportunity to audition for acceptance into the GLVPAA. Students must carry a 2.5 GPA 2 letter recommendations from their teachers Students must sign a code of conduct letter. Auditions will take place April 9 th, 10 th, and 16 th, 2016 Course offerings are: Introduction to Dance, Introduction to Theatre, Art Exploration, Elements of Music, Band, Orchestra and Choir.
E XPLORATORY C OURSES FOR F RESHMEN : GLVPAA Freshman requirements: ART Exploration (prerequisite for all other GLVPAA art courses) Elements of MUSIC (general music class) Introduction to THEATRE (prerequisite for all other GLVPAA Theatre/Acting/Performing Arts courses) Introduction to Dance(prerequisite for all other GLVPAA dance courses) Offered 2 nd semester Some other Arts course options: Band, Orchestra, Prep-Choir, Drawing & Painting II, (see course handbook for full course offerings). Math, English, Science and Foreign Language for all students Required courses are ½ credit/1 semester classes, which would fill the two credits of Electives for freshman and sophomore years. Required courses that are not taken freshman year will carry over to their sophomore year.
S OPHOMORE CLASS OPTIONS Levels of each course, depends on prerequisite requirements. ART: Drawing & Painting II, Ceramics I & II, Intro to Metals and Fibers, Beginning Sculpture/Printmaking, Art History, Design, Fashion, Architecture, Photo I or II MUSIC: Elements of Music I, Music History, Choir, Band/or Orchestra. THEATRE: Intro to Theatre, Acting I, Theatre II, DANCE: Introduction to Dance, Dance Styles & Techniques, Dance II
O PPORTUNITIES IN THE A RTS There are numerous opportunities in the Arts at SHS. - Sing in a choir: Join Prep, Acapella, Keynotes, Bell Choirs and audition for the spring musical. - Work on a Stage Crew. - Audition for the plays and the musicals. - Take part in Marching, Concert, and Jazz Band or perform in the Orchestra, all have the opportunity to compete in regional and state competitions - Dance in a musical or our annual Arts Showcase. - Join a club in your arts interest areas: Art Club, Drama Club.
C OLLEGE & U NIVERSITY ADMISSION STANDARDS A CADEMIC COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS Sixteen college preparatory courses distributed as follows are required: English (four credits) Mathematics (four credits) Including Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry) Sciences (three credits) Including two courses with laboratory work-biology, chemistry, or physics Foreign Languages (two credits) or In a single language Electives (two credits): From the above subjects, performing and visual arts or computer applications Admissions directors at colleges and universities indicate that high school program of study and performance is the most important credential in admissions determination.
W HAT I S M Y N EXT S TEP ? Set up time to meet with the GLVPAA Chair, Mrs. Shepherd, , during your Advisory period. SHS room You will be assigned a faculty advisor, that will help keep you on track for graduation. They will recommend activities and opportunities for your to participate in to help build your portfolio. Continually look for ways to practice you skills outside of GLVPAA; like community theatre performances, joining a local dance studio, seek out volunteer opportunities working with the arts. Keep your grades up! The arts are known to help with academic performance, you have to work hard and stay up on your homework and classwork with the new added responsibilities.
A UDITIONS FOR THE YEAR Auditions will be held April 9 th, 10 th, and 16 th for the GLVPAA class of You must be a 7th grader-Sophomore to apply.