Beginning of WWII
War Starts Germany signed a Nonaggression pact with Soviet Union Now can attack Poland without fear of Soviet intervention Britain and France had sworn to protect Poland Germany attacks Poland from the west France and Britain declare war on Germany Russia attacks Poland from the east Poland falls quickly Is divided up between Germany and Russia
Blitzkrieg Meant “Lightning War” Style of fighting to quickly defeat an enemy First army must break through weak point in enemies defenses Cutting off the outer defenses from communications In the interior, German forces would cause havoc among civilian populations (attacking them) Created chaos that made it difficult for opposing army to get involved in the battle 3 waves of attack: 1.Luftwaffe (air force) dive bombs the city Destroys major infrastructure (roads, bridges, communication lines) Sends civilians fleeing in panic 2.Tanks sent in immediately after with no time to recover Attacked opposing military 3.Infantry sent in last Defeat the weakened army Once a target had been destroyed they moved to the next target immediately
Effectiveness Blitzkrieg described by a French soldier within a 5 day period "When the dive-bombers come down, they (the French) stood it for two hours and then ran with their hands over their ears." "Sedan fell as a result of a bombardment……….it was a superb example of military surprise." "The pace is too fast……it’s the co-operation between the dive-bombers and the tanks that is winning the war for Germany." "News that the Germans are in Amiens………this is like some ridiculous nightmare."
Sitzkrieg The next 6 months there was no action between Germany and the Allied Powers Also got nicknamed “Phony War” or “The Bore War”
Germany Attacks After a short period of inactivity, Germany conquers again Norway Denmark Now ready to attack France Once again through Belgium France had HEAVILY defended their border with Germany (France/Germany border) Broke through Allied defenses
France in Trouble German breaks through resistance in Belgium Enters France Using blitzkrieg strategy, Germany pushes through France France asks British forces in France for help British evacuate to prepare to defend England from invasion Paris is captured within a month! France falls to German control
Battle of Britain Hitler wants to invade England Needs to weaken much smaller British air force first Bombs England over a period of two months Although outnumbered, British air force continually combats and defeats Luftwaffe Eventually Hitler gives up Turns eyes on Russia
Operation Barbarossa Code name for invasion of Soviet Union Hitler wanted Soviet Union’s land to support his “one race” of people Soviet had lots of farmland and resources Also lots of Jews 3 million soldiers and 3 thousand tanks invade Russia
Barbarossa’s Failure Initially successful 2/3rds distance to Moscow Russia retreats and burns farms as they do Scorched earth policy Germans run short on supplies By time resupplies come, winter is setting in Hitler pushes on Putting his troops deeper into Soviet territory More cold Less supplies Soviet Resistance and deadly winter destroy German forces Germany is eventually driven back
Hitler’s Failed History Lesson Roughly 120 years before someone tried to conquer Russia Napoleon Bonaparte Lost 97% of his troops Both invaded in June Both chased Russia deep into their country Away from resupplies Russia/SU used scorched earth policy Hitler should have been more prepared…