Unlocking the core concepts of The Mind of a Thief
Miller’s Journey Patti Miller seems to be entirely preoccupied by the concept of ‘finding her true self’, and determining a singular place for her to belong. Indeed, throughout her adult life, she experiences what she deems to be “Identity Terror” where the sense that her “entire identity had dissolved” (p.20) appears to overwhelm her.
WHY? We must then ask ourselves, why is Miller so preoccupied by this?
Despite the fact that Miller is a middle aged woman, and her experiences rather different to your own; it is important to recognise that the troubles she faces with regard to her sense of self, are universal.
The desire to feel connected to people and place [Question a) in your booklet] We are biologically programmed to love, be loved, and belong. Read the text in your booklet (in the HEADSTART section at the back), and complete the task
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs [Question b) in your booklet]
Now, read the handout entitled ‘Finding vs Creating Yourself’ [Question c) in your booklet] Highlight any statements/ideas which stand out to you or seem important. Summarise the document in 3 dot points Based on what you have discovered so far, do you think Miller wants to ‘find’ or ‘make’ herself? Which option appeals to you? Explain.
Watch this clip from Pixar’s Inside Out [Question d) in your booklet] What do you think this film is suggesting about how our personality/identity is formed? Now read, p.15-18, how does this connect to what you have just seen?
Miller finds comfort in connection to place [Question e) in your booklet] Think of a place you feel comfortable and at ease. Why is this place so reassuring and comforting to you? READ: p.29-31
Experience Memory Attachment [Question f) in your booklet] Read the information in your booklet about ‘Place Attachment’. Consider what you have read so far, and what you have watched; what do you think Miller is suggesting about connection to place?
Identity as a construct [Question g) in your booklet] Miller also observes throughout the text that Identity is something which is “made”. Watch the clip below, and predict what you think she might mean by this.
In what sort of situations might we ‘construct’ a version of ourselves? [Question h) in your booklet] Read: p. 1-2 (how does Miller change herself to fit into the situation in which she finds herself at the opening of the text?)
Ultimately, Miller’s journey is one of self discovery and self awareness Whether she truly ‘finds’ herself, or indeed ‘makes’ herself is up to you to discover! Always remember, this text is a stimulus (!) and is to be used as a lens through which you can consider your sense of self.