Records Storage Transfers
LABELING RULE OF THUMB: 5 years from now, if a record is needed and you are no longer working for Allen ISD, would someone else know where to find it?
How it works Records are stored by destruction year. They are labeled with the School, Year of files, Contents, Department, & Destruction Year. A location label is also added
Where to begin? Place only one destruction year per box. Purge all records that do not fit into the approved records retention schedule. Determine & indicate the destruction date based on the adopted records retention schedule. Only send records to the records center that are required to be retained by the adopted retention schedule. Prepare one form for each standard 1199 storage container to be sent to the records center.
DO NOT OVER FILL!!! If you can’t lift it over your head, don’t expect me to lift it over mine!
The Process 1. Campus fills box 2. Fill out 1 form per box 3. Attach lower portion of paperwork to lid of box 4. Put in work Request through Web TMA 5. Put all paperwork in one envelope & put w/boxes (DO NOT USE INNEROFFICE ENVELOPES) 6. Guys Pick up boxes & paperwork
7. Paperwork is delivered to my desk 8. Info is entered into computer 9. Labels & location labels created 10. Go to warehouse to Match labels to paperwork on boxes 11. Label & store. 12. File paperwork
The Form
The Upper Portion Contains Very Important Directions
And Details to be filled out by the sending campus
The Upper Portion
The Lower Portion
Incorrect Labeling
The Box
Work Request
1.Go to and log in 2.Go to Allen ISD Intranet Staff Quick Links. 3.Click on Web TMA - Maintenance Request 4.The Web TMA login appears 5.Enter Your ID 6.Enter Your Password 7.Enter the Client 8.This should get you in For questions about ID, Password, or Client please contact either the Distribution Center or Steve Hanner Once you are in, look at the right hand side of the screen: 1.Enter your Department or School 2.Enter Repair Center (Distribution) 3.Enter Location ID (follow prompts) On the left hand side of the screen look at the bottom 1.Enter Action Requested 2.Submit Request
Now you are...