I’ve got rhythm Catch a wave dude Elevate your state You think you’ve got a problem! Perchance to …
This is the general name for a daily rhythm.
What is a circadian rhythm?
As you are falling asleep, this drops (you should also set your house’s thermostat to do the same – go Al Gore)
What is your temperature?
You’ll be feeling “mellow” as this hormone level increases during the night.
What is melatonin?
In the brain, this gland’s output is affected (through messages from the hypothalamus) by light.
What is the pineal gland?
Mary Poppins can probably sing the name of this specific nucleus in the hypothalamus that seems to regulate our 24 hour internal clocks
What is the suprachiasmatic nucleus?
Kowabunga! These are the big, slow waves you create during stages 3 & 4
What are delta waves?
Chillax, and you’ll start producing these waves.
What are alpha waves?
Right now I bet those of you who are paying attention and are ready to answer are producing these waves!
What are beta waves?
These irregular bursts of activity are produced during stage 2 sleep.
What are sleep spindles?
“I wasn’t sleeping!” Yes you were, but only lightly, thus you were producing these waves.
What are theta waves?
By definition it’s your personal awareness of internal and external events.
What is consciousness?
Learning to fly? Then you’re performing this type of process that requires full awareness.
What is a controlled process?
Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? If so, then these activities fit into this state.
What are automatic processes?
William James compared consciousness to a stream because it is constantly doing this …
What is flowing?
During sleep, adults spend about this percent of time in REM.
What is 20%?
About 35% of adults suffer occasionally from this common sleep disorder.
What is insomnia?
Cessation of breathing that awakens people without their awareness is this disorder’s primary symptom.
What is sleep apnea?
Don’t worry, that piercing scream from the 4-year old should end in a few years! People usually stop experiencing these NREM disturbances.
What are night terrors?
Experiencing sudden attacks of cataplexy, dream-like hallucinations, and sleep paralysis are all symptoms of this disorder. Not as funny as watching dogs fall down.
What is narcolepsy?
This is the fancy name for sleepwalking. By the way, a person won’t have a heart attack if you awake them during this NREM disorder.
What is somnambulism?
“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Freud acknowledged that some elements of dreams are not symbolic, but are traces of our daily experiences. This is the term he used as a label.
What is day residue?
During REM this part of the brain sends up signals for various activities. At the same time, it shuts off most impulses going to the somatic nervous system.
What is the pons?
Rosalind Cartwright is a major proponent of this explanation of dreams, which sees them as a time to work through our concerns and find solutions.
What is the cognitive (problem- solving) view?
Freud gave this name to the hidden, symbolic meaning of dream content.
What is the latent content?
This claims we forget so many of our dreams because other thoughts get in the way.
What is the interference hypothesis?