Johns Hopkins University Center for Imaging Science 2006 Summary
JHU CIS Summary Highlights Morphometry BIRN Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping Suite (LDDMM) volume, surface, similitude, landmark, DTI Semi-Automated Shape Analysis pipeline TeraGrid/Cluster processing Large Distributed Storage paradigms Large scale visualization through Paraview Statistical Analysis using workflows and portal technologies DTI Summary Mouse BIRN Collaboration Applying Shape Analysis processing to FragileX study
Large Deformation Defomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) Suite Expanded suite of LDDMM - volume, surface, similitude, landmarks and DTI Improved Documentation and Tutorial Website Improved portability of software allowing for utilization on clusters and the TeraGrid
Mathematical Morphometry Project MGH Segmentation Data Donor Sites De-identification And upload JHU CIS-KKI Shape Analysis LDDMM Storage BWH Visualization TeraGrid Supercomputing Goal: comparison and quantification of structures’ shape and volumetric differences across patient populations Mathematical Morphometry Project LDDMM-MDS-LDA 5 6 JHU Statistical Analysis MDS-LDA
TeraGrid/Cluster Processing 40,800 LDDMM-volume processed jobs 244,824 cpu/hrs of processing (~27 cpu/yrs) 40 TeraBytes of storage
Collaborative Storage Resources Storage Resources TeraGrid Storage Solution: GPFS-WAN 220TB BIRN Storage Solution: SRB Local Filesystem sshfs gluing GPFS-WAN and Local Filesystem
Visualization We have 40TB of data to Visualize Paraview provides the needed tools to make this happen for: movie generation deformation verification batch processing supported on TeraGrid
Statistical Analysis We are currently using Rweb for statistical analysis processing. Workflows continue to be explored for refining the analysis processing.
DTI Summary I: Tractography reproducibility Cingulum Corticospinal tract Anterior thalamic radiation Superior long. fasciculus Inferior long. fasciculus Inferior frontocc. fasciculus Uncinate fasciculus Intra-rater Inter-rater Almost perfect Substantial Moderate Fair We tested reproducibility of tractography by performing multisite inter-rater reproducibility tests for 11 major white matter tracts. Substantial reproducibility was observed for the protocol developed under this project. Paper was submitted and under revision.
DTI Summary II: Distortion correction for DTI Image distortion (a: non distorted T1-weighted image, b: DTI with distortion) was corrected by landmark- based LDDMM (c) and compared with SPM (d: intensity-based, e: segmentation-based). The LDDMM-based correction could undistort the image smoothly (f) and quantify the distortion by Jacobian (g). Although the segmentation-based SPM could correct the distortion (e), the transformation contains severe discontinuity (h), which may cause DTI calculation errors. Paper is in preparation.
DTI Summary III: DTI data acquisition Effect of SNR Effect of gradient orientation Effect of SNR and the number of gradient orientations were examined. A DTI database with 15 repeated measurements x 3 scan sessions was created, which allows us to study the effect of SNR and various gradient orientation schemes. Two papers were submitted.
DTI Summary IV: Database sharing With the help from BIRN, 60-subject normal database and probabilistic maps obtained in JHU are being disseminated.