Linda Bagby - SBN Program Electrical Coordinator ICARUS Electronics Meeting 27 January 2016 SBN Program Operational Readiness Clearance
SBN What is Operational Readiness Clearance Guidance Sources Electrical Equipment Highlight 3 Step Process Summary Outline 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting2
SBN Prior to operation, experiments, projects, and R&D (Research and Development) efforts may require an ES&H (Environment, Safety, and Health) review depending on the hazards or risks involved. The ES&H review may consist of multiple reviews by subject matter experts (SME’s) from a variety of committees depending upon the hazards involved. The ES&H review procedure is designed to review these projects and to ensure proper documentation and reviews have been conducted. The Operational Readiness Clearance (ORC) process is used to capture the recommendations, findings, and ultimate recommendation to operate from these various committees. w/ESH%20Management/ESH_Manual/PPD_ESH_006.pdf What is an Operational Readiness Clearance Review? 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting3
SBN All experiments within the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program in Neutrino Division (ND) follow the Particle Physics Division (PPD) guidelines for Operational Readiness Clearance (ORC) reviews. Link to the Particle Physics Division Operational Readiness Clearance (PPD ORC) Link to the Fermilab Environment, Safety and Health Manual (FESHM) Guidance Sources 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting4
SBN Use the PPD ORC page to determine the hazards for a given subsystem Hazards include: –Flammable (Gases or Liquids) –Gases –Chemicals –Radioactive Sources –Target Materials –Nuclear Materials –Class 3b or Class 4 Lasers –Electrical Equipment –Mechanical Structures –Vacuum Vessels –Pressure Vessels and Pressure Piping –Fire and Life Safety –Radiation Safety –Trip, Fall, and Strain relief considerations Where does one start?? 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting5
SBN On the Particle Physics Division Operational Readiness Clearance page, under Electrical Equipment, there are 2 main links to use as guidance. Electrical Equipment –Electrical Safety ORC Review TipsElectrical Safety ORC Review Tips –Electrical Design Standards for Electronics to be used in Experiments at FermilabElectrical Design Standards for Electronics to be used in Experiments at Fermilab –Necessary Documentation: Simplified (block) electrical diagram of entire installation, including commercial components, with special emphasis on power handling issues. These must be of sufficient detail that reviewers can verify the experimenters have observed good systems engineering practices and have used proper fusing, wire sizes, insulation, termination, etc. Line diagrams of custom manufactured circuitry or modifications of commercial components of similar detail. The Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) webpage has links to all Fermilab Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (FESHM) documents. FESHM 9000 Electrical Safety chapters. – Electrical Equipment Highlight 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting6
SBN There are 2 ways to go about obtaining an Operational Readiness Clearance, the difficult way and the easy way. Difficult: Submit a review request after all equipment is installed. –Problems: For large experiments this plan is plagued with delays due to the time required to review equipment a committee member is seeing for the first time, turn around time of possible rework, availability of the reviewer. Easy: Follow a 3 step process throughout the duration of the project. –Problems: I haven’t found any yet. Modes of Attack 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting7
SBN Safety Engineering Design Review (SEDR) Performed on custom designed or modified commercial equipment. Requirements (chassis level) –Simplified (block) electrical diagram of entire installation, including commercial components, with special emphasis on power handling issues. These must be of sufficient detail that reviewers can verify the experimenters have observed good systems engineering practices and have used proper fusing, wire sizes, insulation, termination, etc. –Line diagrams of custom manufactured circuitry or modifications of commercial components of similar detail. –Sample of equipment to be reviewed. Should be done during the PRE-PRODUCTION phase of a design to allow time to complete any ‘required’ findings. 3 Step Process: Step 1 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting8
SBN partial Operational Readiness Clearance (pORC) A mechanism for powering up one subsystem while others are being installed or assembled. Performed on a subsystem’s fully populated electronics racks or a subsystem’s collection of equipment. Includes all intra AND inter rack connections, including external AC Distribution. Requirements (rack or subsystem level) –Simplified (block) electrical diagram of entire installation, including commercial components, with special emphasis on power handling issues. These must be of sufficient detail that reviewers can verify the experimenters have observed good systems engineering practices and have used proper fusing, wire sizes, insulation, termination, etc. –Line diagrams of custom manufactured circuitry or modifications of commercial components of similar detail. –Fully populated rack. Can be done at experiment’s enclosure or other site before racks are moved to enclosure. 3 Step Process: Step 2 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting9
SBN Final Operational Readiness Clearance Walkthrough (ORC) Documentation consists of a ‘wrapper’ around all of the subsystem partial Operational Readiness Clearance review findings and responses. This is a final walkthrough by safety to insure the installation is complete and ready to go. 3 Step Process: Step 3 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting10
SBN Per the Department of Energy’s prime directive to Fermilab, Fermilab is required to follow the National Electrical Codes (NEC) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines. OSHA requires all commercial equipment to be reviewed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). A current list is here Custom Designed Determination 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting11
SBN OSHA does not recognize CE has a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. ble=FAQ&p_id=178https:// ble=FAQ&p_id=178 However, there are 3 solutions: –Safety Engineering Design Review (SEDR). –Have vendor obtain a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) stamp. –Have a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) representative perform certification of equipment on site. CE Rating 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting12
SBN Defined Operational Readiness Clearance. Provided links to guidance for review preparation. Described a 3 step process to minimize the time it takes to complete the review. Highlighted requirements for Electrical Equipment. Described Nationally Recognized Testing Agency stamps for commercial equipment. I am here to help and shepherd everyone’s effort in completing the reviews in a timely manner. Summary 1/27/16Linda Bagby | ICARUS Electronics Meeting13