Chapter 13 International Human Relations
2 Learning Objectives 1)Discuss the four major reasons why businesses become multinational companies. 2)Identify the term culture and relate four basic dimensions of international culture. 3)Discuss the value of cultural dimensions in understanding the impact of culture in the global arena.
3 Learning Objectives (contd.) 4)Relate the ways in which culture affects work attitudes, motivation, and how people deal with time. 5)Discuss outsourcing in globalization. 6)Describe several major global human resource challenges. 7)Explain ways of developing a global perspective. 8)Discuss how an organized office can enhance your career.
4 Multinational Company … is a company headquartered in one country but having operations in two or more countries.
5 Table The Most Admired Companies for 2006
6 Table World’s Largest MNE Corporations
7 Culture Culture is the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and to generate social behavior.
8 Ethnocentrism … is the belief that one’s way of doing things is superior to that of others.
9 Table Comparison of Cultural Values by Priority
10 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Power distance is the degree to which less powerful members of the society accept the fact that power is not distributed equally. Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations and have created institutions for minimizing or avoiding these uncertainties.
11 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (contd.) Individualism is the tendency of people to look after themselves and their immediate family only. Collectivism is the tendency of people to belong to groups that look after each other in exchange for loyalty.
12 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (contd.) Masculinity is the degree to which the dominant values of a society are success, money, and material things. Femininity is the degree to which the dominant values of a society focus on caring for others and on the quality of life.
13 The Impact of International Culture at Work Work Attitudes Achievement Motivation Time and the Future
14 Selection Criteria to Fill Overseas Positions 1)The ability to adapt personally to an overseas assignment 2)Technical competence 3)The ability of one’s family to adapt 4)Human relations skills 5)Previous overseas experience
15 Cultural Assimilator A cultural assimilator is a programmed learning technique that is designed to expose members of one culture to the values of another culture.
16 Key Terms in the Chapter Culture Ethnocentrism Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualism Collectivism Masculinity Femininity Cultural assimilator Workforce optimization Culture shock Honeymoon stage Cultural shock stage Negotiation stage Acceptance stage Outsourcing World Citizens Guide for Americans