/897/teach.html Known as Blackbeard
Infamous pirates by Richard kozar His presence sent shivers to people backs Large quantity of hair Long, lighted gunners matches sticking from under his hat; to make him look more ferocious
wikipedia English pirate Caribbean sea Early 18 th century Golden age of piracy
wikipedia He went to see at an early age He served on an English ship in the “war of the Spanish succession” He was a privateer From there he turned to piracy (like most privateers)
Fact monster.com born-? died-22 november 1718 birthplace- England (?) b.k.a.-blackbeard
Fact monster it is either teach or thacht south eastern coast of american colonies recognized by his black beard and flamboyant clothing Copyright © by Who2?, LLC. All rights reserved
s/whosbb.html Pirate leader La Concorde In the Caribbean in 1717 Copyright © by Who2?, LLC. All rights reserved Believed he was born in Bristol England Killed in combat November 22, 1718, near Ocracoke Island, North Carolina He began his career like a privateer Queen Anne's War also called the War of the Spanish Succession
s/whosbb.html He put matches in his hair or beard so it could look like if his hair was on fire
Wanted for piracy His first act was in the late ft tall strong and big like an ox Brave By today's standards he was psychotic He was armed with several pistols,knives, and his cutlass fame.html#Edward%20Teach%20('Blackbeard')