Warm-up: Using your essay format notes, answer these questions: 1. Which of these is the correct way to write an in-text citations after a quote? a. “Her.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-up: Using your essay format notes, answer these questions: 1. Which of these is the correct way to write an in-text citations after a quote? a. “Her eyes closed.” (994) b. “Her eyes closed.” (994 Allende) c. “Her eyes closed.” (Allende 994) 2. True or false: Everything in your essay must prove your thesis. Your thesis statement goes at the beginning of the introduction paragraph. 3. Each body paragraph must have at least ____ sentences. 4. Each body paragraph must have at least ____ quotes (or passages from the story) as evidence.

 5 th period: For tomorrow’s assembly schedule, you will take 2 nd lunch! (you will go to first, second, third, fourth, fifth, LUNCH, then sixth.)  Homework: Prepare for your essay test by working on the outline that is provided in your “And of Clay Are We Created” packet.  Essay test on Thursday.  Bring “And of Clay Are We Created” chart.  Bring “Essay Format” notes.  Bring sample Essay (to be passed out later today…)

Writing Strategies 1.3: Structure ideas and arguments in a sustained, persuasive, and sophisticated way and support them with precise and relevant examples.

 Get out your notes from yesterday on the essay format.  You will be able to use it for the next activity…

 In just a moment we will have an ESSAY FORMAT RELAY!!!  I will put you in groups of four, then give you a body paragraph that examines how detail proves tone in “The Rattler”.  The sentences will be out of order.  In groups, you must try to find out the proper order of the paragraph.  The first two groups done will get a prize!

 Now, let’s look at the whole sample essay.  Let’s read it over together once. Then you will be doing something with it…

 Do the following things with the essay: 1. Put a star next to the thesis sentence 2. Draw a hook next to the hook 3. Draw a bridge next to the bridge 4. Write a “T” next to the topic sentences in the body paragraphs. 5. Underline every sentence that has textual evidence in it. 6. Draw squiggly lines under each sentence that explains a sentence before it (explains textual evidence). 7. Put two stars next to the restated thesis. 8. Make a happy face next to the sentence that wraps up the theme.

To ensure that you have enough textual evidence for your essay, create another chart with 2 rows and 3 columns. Fill it in with the examples that I have chosen from the story. These can be used as your “textual evidence” on your test. Then, share one diction, detail, and imagery quote from your chart with your classmates and pick one of theirs to steal and possibly use. DICTIONDETAILIMAGERY “I could sense… his weariness, so difference from the fatigue of other adventures.” (Allende 989). “Rolf Carlé had a growth of beard, and dark circles beneath his eyes.” (Allende 989) “He saw before his eyes the boots and legs of his father, who had removed his belt and was whipping it in the air with the never-forgotten hiss of a viper…” (Allende 990) The word “weariness” helps us to see that Rolf is not just tired, but absolutely exhausted. The narrator must feel pity at seeing him in this state. Hearing of “dark circles” under Rolf’s eyes reveals how completely exhausted he is after putitng so much effort into helping Azucena. The narrator must feel pride for his fortitude, yet sympathy for his weariness. The narrator knows that her significant other has the memory of such a terrifying sound– a belt swinging with a “hiss” through the air, knowing that it will be hitting him. She must feel sympathy for this awful, traumatizing sound that is stuck in his memory.