CASE 2 58 yo man IVDU in past….last used 35 yrs ago Genotype 1a Chronic Hepatitis C Type II Diabetes Private drug plan coverage
CASE 2 Hepatitis C history 2005 Liver Biopsy…gd 2 activity and gd 3-4 fibrosis Treated with Peg Inf/RBV 1000mg/day (70kg) Seemingly adherent
CASE 2 Hepatitis C history 2005/6 Week 0 HCVRNA..1.16x10E6 Week 4 HCVRNA…3.65 x 10E4 Week 12 HCVRNA…1.08x 10E2 Week 24 HCVRNA…undetectable Week 48 HCVRNA…undetectable 3 months post therapy F/U…5.90 x 10E5
CASE 2 Would you retreat… What would be the projected chance of cure Is he a candidate for response guided therapy… How long would you treat with each agent