The Progressive Movement 1877-1920 Remember To Number Your Notes.


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Presentation transcript:

The Progressive Movement Remember To Number Your Notes

 Powerful organizations linked to political parties

 Areas that were controlled by a Political Boss

 Whoever ran the political machine in that Ward

 Ways of making officials change their minds

 Overbidding a contract and giving the extra money to the Political Boss

 Headed New York City’s Democratic political machine

 Controlled Police, Courts, and Newspapers

 Giving your friends jobs if they help you get elected

 All non elected government workers

 Established the Civil Service Commission

 C. A. Arthur  Pendleton Act  Civil Service Commission  Take test to get a Job

 Small companies that had gotten too big

 Stopped companies from becoming a monopoly

 When a few companies control all the prices in the industry

 Made railroads charge fair prices  What Commission did they start

 Supervised the railroad companies, and soon, the trucking industry too

 Fees added to imported goods

 Wanted a socialist form of government

 Reporter for McClure’s Magazine

 Wrote “The Jungle”, a book about the Meat Packing Industry

 Was a result of Sinclair’s book

 Allowed the states voters to vote directly for the candidate they wanted

 Allowed citizens to put issues on the ballot so people could vote on them

 Gives voters the choice to reject what elected officials try to do in office

 Allows voters to remove bad elected officials from office  Why would we need this option?

 Provides the direct election of senators

 P – Primary  I – Initiative  R – Recall  R – Referendum  D.E. – Direct Election of Senators – 17 th Amendment

 Section 2 – Women and Progressives

 An Italian Nun who came to work with the poor

 The right to vote  Why aren’t there any women in this line?

Founded the National Woman Suffrage Association

 If women are working, who’s gonna cook and clean the house.  If we give them the right to vote… they’ll think they’re as good as men

 Wyoming

Wilson fought against Women’s Suffrage

Formed the National American Women Suffrage Association

 Gave women the right to vote

 Woman’s Christian Temperance Union  Wanted men to stop drinking alcohol

 The Prohibition Law  Prohibited anyone from having any alcohol in any form

 Why?  Why Not?

 When liquor was outlawed, Organized Crime began making money off the sale of illegal liquor

 Section 3 – Progressive Presidents

 Assassinated less than a year after being elected President

 Republican Vice- Presidential Candidate in 1900  Was elected for two terms  How long is term?

 Roosevelt's nickname  Someone who attempts to break up the big business monopolies

 Agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial party

 Fair and equal treatment for all

 Leh-Say-Fehr  Let people do as they choose

 Inspects all crops including cows, pigs, and chickens

 Inspect all foods and drugs before they are sold in the U.S.

 The protection and preservation of natural resources

 Was set up by Roosevelt in order to protect and preserve our natural resources

 Gave the government the power to tax people’s income

 Elected after Roosevelt  Defeated William Jennings Bryan

 Taft- Current president, Republican Candidate  Roosevelt- Progressive Party - Bull Moose  Woodrow Wilson – Democratic party

 Roosevelt runs against Taft  Taft was the Republican Party’s candidate  Roosevelt was also a Republican so he ran under the “Bull Moose Party”

 Former President of Princeton University and Governor of New Jersey  Wilson spoiled the election and got all the democratic votes  Wilson wins

 Federal Reserve Act  Federal Trade Commission  Clayton Anti-Trust Act  What was going on at the end of Wilson’s term in office?  War

 Section 4 – Excluded from Reform

 Treating someone unfairly because of their color, race, or religion ect …

 Springfield, Illinois  False accusations led to a Riot

 Disliking Jews just because they are Jews

 How were African Americans treated unfairly during the early 1900’s ?  They still couldn’t vote  They couldn’t go to the same places as whites

 A farmer who raises a crop on someone else’s land and pays them rent with a portion of the harvest

 Said that “Separate But Equal” was good enough

 Was a tool used to intimidate and deter minorities from living, and working in areas all over the country

 Had been born a slave  Taught himself to read  Founded the Tuskegee Institute in 1881

 Improved the economy in the south by experimenting with agriculture

 Jews  Indians  Mexicans