The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Session 9 Discussion on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
EFA is about the Right to education primary school children are presently left without education One third of all out-of- school children have disabilities Countless others are being marginalized within the education system ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh
The Scene of Exclusion
From Exclusion to Participation Denial Acceptance Understanding Knowledge Exclusion Segregation Special Education Integration/ mainstreaming Special Needs Ed. Inclusion - Participation - Equality - Community ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh
To meet the EFA targets, $11 billion (US) is needed $11 billion is: four days´ worth of global military spending half of what is spent on toys in the USA every year less than Europeans spend on computer games or mineral water less than 0,1 % of gross national product The total amount spent internationally to deal with the millennium bug scare was roughly twice the debt owed by the world´s poorest countries ED/BAS Kennet Eklindh ED/BAS Kennet Eklindh
”With a little help from my friends …” Life Quality Community Equality Participation Security Confidence Happiness ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh ED/BAS Kenneth Eklindh