A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Original/long title: “A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick."
Historical background Ireland was under the control of England for close to 500 years and was denied union with England when Scotland received it in As a result, Ireland continued to suffer under trade restrictions and lack of resources. This situation led Swift to write this satirical essay.
Pamphlets During this time, many writers wrote and published pamphlets with proposals to solve the economic problems in Ireland. Swift’s essay parodied the style and method of these others. His purpose: to capture the audience whose indifference he believed was to blame for the situation and make them think of solutions.
Overall analysis Swift satirically expresses his anger towards Ireland’s colonial rule under England, as well as the hypocrisy of the wealthy. He feels that Ireland is suppressed by English rule and ambivalent in their actions against their rule. It bothers him that Irish politicians, as well as the masses of poor, fail to mobilize on their own behalf.
Paragraphs 1-7 Analysis
Your Assignment Having read Swift’s “Modest Proposal” it is time to make your own. 1. Brainstorm a list of 5 to 10 societal ills that need a solution. 2. Select a problem for which you can devise a creative, unique, yet logical solution. 3. Write a formal outline in which you propose your solution…it must include: –3 to 4 reasons with statistical facts to support your idea –a counter argument –a powerful call to action