Understanding the Self What does it mean to be Huuumon?
Ideas on the Nature of Humanity zThe Reasoning Self - Pascal zSelf-Awareness - physical being with limits zSelf-Transcendence - always becoming zThe Self as the Divine - Hindu zThe Self as the Image of God - Imago Dei zThe Obedient Self - Augustine zThe Loving Self - love = obedience
Meaning of Person in Religion zReligion helps one navigate through the many changes in life. It provides identity, goals, hopes, aspirations, growth, development, avenue of attaining ultimate maturity and realized potential.
Dimensions of the Self and Religion zReligion seeks to help the person integrate aspects of the person into the total life. Emotion, action and belief are combined into the whole person. “Thought in religion arises as meaning and serves as a direction-giving factor. Emotion gives to it warmth and vibrancy.”
Views of Being Human – East and West zEast: Human beings are one species among many natural beings zWest: Human beings as God’s Creation. Humans are believed to be “above” all other creatures. This is an exalted view of humanity.
Doubt ? ? ? ?
Doubt zDoubt is a part of life and living. Some say that it is a necessary step to spiritual maturity.
Levels of Doubt zThe theologian Paul Tillich has identified four types of doubt: yScientific ySkeptical yExistential yRedemptive
Scientific Doubt zScientific - It is part of a method of discovery truth. One questions basic assumptions as a way of getting to the truth or for further discovery.
Skeptical Doubt zSkeptical doubt is an attitude of actually rejecting any certainty. One doubts that one can be sure of anything. It can be negative and lead to pessimism where one become cynical about everything. On the positive side one can have doubts about doubts and move beyond skepticism.
Existential Doubt zExistential doubt is when one doubts the meaning and/or purpose of one’s life. One questions the validity of one’s life. It is present in one’s very existence. However, it can lead to understanding the precarious nature of life.
Redemptive Doubt zWhen existential doubt causes one to commit oneself to a higher purpose and a deeper level it becomes redemptive doubt. “Here, faith means trusting or risking one’s life in commitment that does not close its eyes to uncertainty.