What’s up today Do Now: Should a hero be moral (do the right thing, the right way)? Why or why not. 75 Words Hero’s Journey review. Hero’s Journey writing assignment.
Hero’s Journey
Why study The Hero’s Journey? It is the pattern of human experience Every challenge we face in life is a journey It is a process of self discovery Understanding the Journey pattern can help us understand the stories we read, the movies and shows we see, and the experiences that shape our lives.
The Journey Begins
The Journey is divided into three stages and 9 steps: 1.Separation (from the known) 2.Initiation and Transformation (Unknown or supernatural world) 3.The Return (Back to the known)
Separation (from the Known) Unusual Birth Leaves Family Traumatic Event
Initiation and Transformation (Unknow or supernatural world Supernatural Weapon or special skill developed. Supernatural or extraordinary help. Road of Trials
The Return (back from the Unknown) Transformation/Revelatio n Atonement with the father (family, history, etc) Return home/final reward
Return Home and Final Reward Hero returns to home to create a new and better place. Often spiritually rewarded.