Slide Contents for Biome Power Point Project
Slide 1 Title Page Group names Name of Biome 2 pictures of biome
Slide 2 Defining Characteristics 1. Climate a. weather b. rainfall/year c. average temperature (how many seasons) d. location on Earth (latitudes) 2. 2 pictures that represent the climate
Slide 3 Defining Abiotic Characteristics 3. Soil or terrain (type, quality) 4. 2 pictures representing abiotic characteristics
Slide 4 Defining Characteristics 5. Plants List of at least three plants found and their abundance 6. Pictures of two plants in your biome
Slide 5 Defining Characteristics 7. Animals ( include insects) List of at least three animals and their abundance 8. 2 pictures of animals found in your biome
Slide 6 Defining Characteristics 9. 3 Additional Interesting Facts anything specific to this biome interesting fact pictures (your choice)
Slide 7 Bibliography using: APA format OR AMA format OR Noodletools (dated visited, url, author) ★ At LEAST four sources ★ ★ ★ Note: No Bibliography = no score