ESA/STAT/AC.187/4 Development of Gender Statistics Training and Curricula Principles, Issues and Dimensions Guiding Remarks of the Chair to Lead the Discussion 29 January 2009 Advisory Group on Gender Statistics Training and Activities, Accra, 29 January 2009
What are we looking for… Guiding Principles –A “code of conduct” to promote gender mainstreaming into regular statistical training Identifying specific training needs and priority areas for training Implementation of gender statistics training activities at the global, regional, and sub-regional levels, identifying: a) Potential partner organizations b) Types of training (format, scope, focus, length, etc.) c) Target audiences d) Training curricula e) Training materials New training curricula and materials for development and provide inputs as needed
How to proceed… Reviewing past and current training activities in gender statistics Identifying key organizations conducting the trainings & selection of institutions to administer training programmes Reviewing the types of training conducted, including: format, scope, focus, target audience, length, resource requirements/fees, etcetera, identifying best practices and key gaps Reviewing the curricula and training materials used in the trainings, identifying best practices and key gaps
Targets set for 2008 Inventory of institutions conducting training Inventory of existing training materials that can be used in the curriculum development Review of existing training activities, best practices and gaps Review of specific training needs and priority areas (to be developed in conjunction with UNSD based on assessment of training needs), including suggestions for training activities to be developed and implemented
Assessment of progress… Survey conducted by the UNSD Secretariat for this Advisory Group has helped produce information and outcomes envisaged for the year 2008 The Advisory Group needs to consider the adequacy of the findings towards its targets Have all targets achieved? Given the constraints faced in the year 2008, how to plan for 2009 What should be the order of priority?
“Code of Conduct” Planning and coordination Do’s & Don'ts Delivery Methods Sustainability of Learning Participatory Learning Needs Assessment Process NSO’s Role vis-à-vis others (Users/Stakeholders) Partnership
Some Issues for Focus… Facilitators and trainers Mode of training (e-learning, participatory learning,…) Training activity material Documentation of Statistical Materials for Training
Some Strategic Issues … Processes to upgrade training institutions for gender-statistical needs National, Inter-regional and Global coordination Linking Research with Training NSOs’ Activities vis-à-vis International Agencies’
And thus… Convergence of national level actions Action Plan 2009 of the Group Training Curricula Training Materials and e-Learning products