Today APA
Running head: LEFT-aligned CAPITAL LETTERS Page numbers: RIGHT-aligned Top- right corner
Citations vs. References Citations: are given in-text whenever you use information/ideas that are not yours. - They are simple, providing the reader with basic information about the source.
Citations vs. References Original text: Capital punishmentCapital punishment was suspended from 1972 to when it was resurrected by the Supreme Court. Since then, 1,264 people have been executed in America. My paraphrase: In the U.S., more than 1,200 people have been executed since 1976 (Rogers, 2011).
Citations vs. References In the U.S., more than 1,200 people have been executed since 1976 (Rogers, 2011). According to Rogers (2011), in the U.S., more than 1,200 people have been executed since Rogers (2011) states that, in the U.S., more than 1,200 people have been executed since 1976.
Citations vs. References References: are given at the end of the paper. - They contain complete information corresponding to your in-text citations. - A full reference list is provided on the final page(s) of the paper. - ALL sources cited in the text require a full reference entry.
Citations vs. References In the U.S., more than 1,200 people have been executed since 1976 (Rogers, 2011). - Rogers, 2011 is an online news article from The Guardian. - Online news articles have a specific format for referencing.
Referencing an online news article Surname, initial. (year, date of publication). Article title. News source title. Retrieved date you viewed the article from URL NOTE 1: This should be double-spaced. NOTE 2: Indent each subsequent line (2 nd line, 3 rd, etc.).
Referencing an online news article Surname, initial. (year, date of publication). Article title. News source title. Retrieved date you viewed the article from URL
Rogers, 2011 Rogers, S. (2011, September 21). Death penalty statistics from the US: which state executes the most people? The Guardian. Retrieved April 17, 2015 from /sep/21/death-penalty-statistics-us
What if the source has no date?! e.g. This article by John Lamperti ticles/JLpaper.pdf ticles/JLpaper.pdf
What if the source has no date?! If the source does not provide a date, in both the citation and reference entry, use: n.d. e.g. In the U.S., studies have found that states using the death penalty have higher murder rates than states without it (Lamperti, n.d.).
Lamperti (n.d.) This source comes from a website (in this case, it is an article from Dartmouth College’s website): Surname, Initial. (date published). Document’s title. Retrieved date you viewed the article from URL
Lamperti (n.d.) Lamperti, J. (n.d.). Does Capital Punishment Deter Murder? A brief look at the evidence. Retrieved April 17, 2015 from books_articles/JLpaper.pdf
3 (or more) authors e.g. bert%20- %20Reasons%20for%20Supporting%20and%20Opposing %20Capital.pdf bert%20- %20Reasons%20for%20Supporting%20and%20Opposing %20Capital.pdf Authors: Eric G. Lambert, Alan Clarke & Janet Lambert From the Internet Journal of Criminology, published 2004.
3 (or more) authors- citation First time the source is cited: Studies have found that people hold strong opinions about capital punishment (Lambert, Clark, & Lambert, 2004).
3 (or more) authors- citation If cited again: Surprisingly, religious views are not strongly correlated with opinions about capital punishment (Lambert, et al., 2004).
3 (or more) authors- references This is an online journal article (Internet Journal of Criminology). Surname, Initial., Surname, Initial., & Surname, Initial. (year of publication).Article’s title. Journal’s title, volume #, pages. Retrieved date you viewed the article from URL
Lambert, Clarke, & Lambert (2004 Lambert, E.G., Clarke, A., & Lambert, J. (2004). Reasons for Supporting and Opposing Capital Punishment in the USA: A Preliminary Study. Internet Journal of Criminology, Retrieved April 17, 2015 from %20%20Reasons%20for%20Supporting%20and%20Opposing %20Capital.pdf
Direct quotations If you use the exact same words as the original source, you must enclose those words in quotation marks (“…”) and provide the page or paragraph number in the citation.
Direct quotations e.g. Studies have found that people hold strong opinions about capital punishment (Lambert, Clark, & Lambert, 2004). - The above was my paraphrase of the original (I changed the words and structure of the sentence).
Direct quotations e.g. Studies have found that people hold strong opinions about capital punishment (Lambert, Clark, & Lambert, 2004). -Original: Capital punishment often engenders deeply held opinions. - If I want to use those exact words in my paper, this is how…
Direct quotations Original: Capital punishment often engenders deeply held opinions. “Capital punishment often engenders deeply held opinions.” (Lambert, Clark, & Lambert, 2004, p. 29).
Direct quotations – no page numbers From Rogers (2011): Only 12 women have been executed since However, race is always an issue in the death penalty debate and that does seem to be backed up by the recent data
Direct quotations – no page numbers “Only 12 women have been executed since However, race is always an issue in the death penalty debate and that does seem to be backed up by the recent data.” (Rogers, 2011, para. 5)
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