Texas Developmental Education Advisory Committee Webinar Dr. Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow MDRC
Over 50% of community college students unprepared for college-level work Few students complete developmental education Limited research on strategies to increase students’ success Few utilize comparison groups or control for pre- existing differences
Synthesize more rigorous findings on interventions Examine promising trends in innovative approaches Identify promising areas for future practice and research
In-depth, computerized search of education databases Hand search of specified journals Review websites and publications of research organizations Research divided into six categories, with varying degrees of rigor
Promising models divided into four types: Avoidance strategies Acceleration strategies Contextualized learning models Student support interventions
Types of interventions Dual enrollment Early assessment programs Summer bridge programs Research evidence Rigorous study: ▪ California’s Early Assessment Program: Modest decreases in placement into dev math and English Descriptive trends: Mixed findings on summer bridge, more promising for dual enrollment
Types of interventions Fast track courses Modularized courses Mainstreaming into college-level courses Research evidence Rigorous study: Mainstreaming ▪ Increased completion of college level courses Descriptive studies: All strategies ▪ Positive trends in persistence and dev ed/college-level course pass rates
Types of interventions Integrated basic skills and vocational programs Learning communities Research evidence Rigorous evidence: Positive increases in academic achievement ▪ I-BEST: Large gains in credits and occupational certificates earned ▪ Learning communities: Mixed to modest academic gains
Types of interventions Tutoring and supplemental instruction (SI) Advising Student success courses Research evidence Rigorous evidence: Advising and student success courses ▪ Limited and modest academic gains Descriptive evidence: Tutoring and SI ▪ Mixed to positive trends
Need to improve quality of evidence Little rigorous research available Promising strategies Most studies = modest impacts Strategies with some reliable evidence ▪ I-BEST model ▪ Acceleration models: Mainstreaming ▪ Avoidance models: Early placement assessment and preparation
Promising strategies (continued) Untested innovations ▪ Technology-aided approaches to instruction ▪ Alignment between K-12 and college curricula ▪ Transforming college curricula and practice Critical considerations for innovation Placement assessments Adjunct faculty Classroom instructional practice Professional development
Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow (212) Download report: erview.html.