The Design Cycle Making a Short Film
What is the Design Cycle? The Design Cycle is a model of thinking that allows students to: –Inquire & Analyze, –Develop Ideas, –Create the Solution, –And Evaluate the projects they make.
Why use the Design Cycle? To focus students of becoming involved in the whole design process rather than just the final project.
Inquiring & Analyzing (Research) During this step students will: –Summarize their findings from a range of sources, cited appropriately, relevant to the design project. Create and MLA source list using Summarize your findings in a two page research paper.
Developing Ideas During this step students will: –Use the techniques learned during their Investigation to write a treatment or outline to a short movie. –Every student will write treatment/outline and create a storyboard for this story.
Create the Solution During this step students will: –Get in groups and pitch their movie idea. –When an idea is selected the group will write a script for their movie. –You will then create a materials list, pick roles, etc. –You will then shoot and edit you movie.
Evaluate During the Evaluate step students will: –Discuss what you have learned in the Design Cycle process. –Critically evaluate the success of your video. –Explain how your video could have been improved.