Introduction to Industrial Psychology Industrial/ Organizational Psychology is concerned with the application of psychological science, and thus its theory and research, to the problems of human organizations and in particular to the utilization of human resources within organizations Relations to PM/HRM Relations to Organizational Science/SHRM/HRD (culture, structure, unions, productivity
Brief history Almost a century young ‘Fathers’ were Walter Dill Scott & Hugo Munsterberg…..who started with addressing the benefits of psychology to the field of advertising. World War 1 US Army recruitment using a short intelligence test 1.Army Alpha 2.Army Beta Immigrant Testing to enter the US
Brief history The interval between the Wars -Success of the army program -Business boom in the US- Hawthorne experiments 1920’s World War 2 -A great variety of Psychological tests developed owing to technical specialities -Design military equipment and human engineering
Careers in Industrial Psychology Primary Employment settings 1.Colleges and universities 2.Consulting 3.Business firms 4.Government 5.Health services Licensing and Certification issues
Scientific aspects Industrial –Organizational Psychology is both a science and a practice Theory- is a generalization that specifies relationships between factors; it is an attempt to make sense out of empirical observations that do not contain any inherent and obvious logic. A sound scientific theory should be as simple as possible, logically consistent within itself and with other known facts, and constructed so that it is clear exactly what must be done to confirm or disprove it. the use of hypotheses (tentative propositions advanced to explain something that is not understood)
Scientific aspects Research To test the truth of hypotheses derived from theories Scientific value Capacity to incorporate social science research into the functioning of ongoing organizations, especially in the business sector.