Department of Science Science Content PD September 23 rd Physics Francisco Jurado Mr. J. Sebastian Oddone District Supervisor Mr. Daniel Gangeri Curriculum Support Specialist
Agenda Introductions Back to the Future Protocol EDP Card Game Forces: Springs—LAB-Hooke’s Law-Determining the spring constant Argument Driven Inquiry Round Robin and Presentation Format Unwrapping the Standards: Energy 9. SC.912.P.10.1 Using Hooke’s Law apparatus—Lab conservation of energy Department of Science
NORMS Be present Trust the process Trust intent and own your impact Watch your air-time Be open to outcome Focus on solutions Department of Science
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: Incorporate M-DCPS instructional resources to support science teaching and learning (including Engineering practices) Effectively plan for science instruction by unwrapping benchmarks Identify how M-DCPS integrates Mathematics and Language Arts Florida Standards for effective science teaching and learning Plan for Inquiry in science Department of Science
Introductions o Introduce yourself o School o How many years teaching o share something you want to accomplish in the upcoming school year Department of Science
2015 Physics Department of Science Back to the Future Protocol: 1.Where is your Physics program right now? 2.How do you envision your ideal future Physics program? 3.How are you going to get your current program to your ideal future vision?
The Engineering Design Process: EDP Card Game – Using the package of cards given to you, have one team member shuffle and deal the cards. – One designated player will begin by placing one of the cards on the table. Look at your cards and choose the one that comes first. – Each of the next players will do the same, but will begin to organize the cards in the order that the team decides the design process should follow. – Discuss with your team and defend your Claim with Evidence for the card’s EDP position on the table. – Be creative and do not think only of a linear process. Department of Science
Scientific & Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Department of Science
Engineering Design Process Department of Science
Physics Year at a Glance Department of Science
Unwrapping a Benchmark Unwrapping a Standard Worksheet (Regular and Table format) available in the Team Room Prerequisite Skills Vocabulary Achievement Criteria Differentiated Instruction Assessing Proficiency Standard Support Material Technology High Order Questioning Strategies Item Specs – Benchmark Clarifications and Content Limits Language Department of Science
Unwrapping Benchmark Formats Department of Science
Unwrapping a Benchmark for Forces Lab SC.912.P.10.1 – Differentiate among the various forms of energy and recognize that they can be transformed from one form to others. Let’s Complete the Unwrapping a Benchmark sheet for this benchmark. Department of Science
Forces Lab Objective: – Determining the spring constant How are the various springs different. How could you scientifically differentiate between them. Which spring might be harder to pull? Why? Argument Driven Inquiry Round Robin and Presentation Format Department of Science
Forces Lab – Debrief Review CER’s Did the Lab address everything in the benchmark description? Where other benchmark descriptions addressed in this activity? If everything from the benchmark description was not addressed, how can we modify the activity to address all (or more) of the content or include other benchmark/standards (LAFS/MAFS)? Department of Science
Unwrapping a Benchmark for Hooke’s Law Lab SC.912.P.10.1 – Differentiate among the various forms of energy and recognize that they can be transformed from one form to others. Let’s Complete the Unwrapping a Benchmark sheet for this benchmark. Department of Science
Hooke’s Law Lab Objective: – Observe and explore conservation of energy How could you use the apparatus to demonstrate the principle of conservation of energy? What type of data would you have to collect? Argument Driven Inquiry Round Robin and Presentation Format Department of Science
Hooke’s Law Lab – Debrief Review CER’s Did the Lab address everything in the benchmark description? Where other benchmark descriptions addressed in this activity? If everything from the benchmark description was not addressed, how can we modify the activity to address all (or more) of the content or include other benchmark/standards (LAFS/MAFS)? Department of Science
Reading Comprehension and Lab Activities Department of Science Why is reading comprehension so important in science? Go to the Team Room and view the Florida Standards Literacy Presentation (voice is embedded in presentation) Discuss
Announcements Science Website – Teacher (instructional resources) Teacher (instructional resources) – Student (BYOD initiative for students to explore) Student (BYOD initiative for students to explore) STEM School Designation (instead of FCAT Explorer) Department of Science
State Statutes and Board Rules Updates Safety Goggles: Eye-protective devices required in certain laboratory courses Board Rule: H7 (2015) Animal Dissection in Schools – eliminates cats. Board Rule: H11 (2008) Science Fair Project entry requirement.H11 Department of Science
MyLearningPlan Follow-Up Please remember to complete your MyLearningPlan evaluation (all 3 steps) The link for the evaluation is in the Team Room. For more information please see the MyLearningPlan Overview PowerPoint in the Team Room Department of Science
Dr. Ava Rosales Executive Director ElementaryMiddleHigh Dr. Millard Lightburn Instructional Supervisor Mr. Dane Jaber Instructional Supervisor Mr. Sebastian Oddone Instructional Supervisor Ms. Noreyda Casanas Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Cindy Jolicoeur Curriculum Support Specialist, MS / K-8 Mr. Daniel Gangeri Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Yusimi Perez-Osteen Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mary Tweedy Curriculum Support Specialists Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: