Managing Student Behavior and Discipline Login to PowerSource>Training>Distance Learning>Managing Student Behavior and Discipline in PowerSchool Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>ReportWorks Template:Incident management Participant Report Login To PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>ReportWoks Template:Incident Management District Summary Login To PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>ReportWorks Template:Incident Managent CrossTab by School and Type Overview Topics: Creating New Incidents and Discipline Reports
Signing in to PowerSchool There are different URL addresses for each of the 4 Access Groups… (For Incident Management access the current administrator address will be used) Administrator access: User Name;Password ( i.e. johnnym.williams;cowboys) Set Personalize-Interface to: 1.Enable task navigator 2.Enable Smart Search 3.Include Inactive Student/Staff Results 4.Submit GOOD IDEA! Setup Personal Preferences Start Page > Setup > Personalize > Interface > Login to PowerSource>Training>Mastery in Minutes>Personal Preferences Setup
Recording Incidents Incident management are State reportable events that records the interaction between witnesses, offenders, reporters, and victims Two Ways to record Incidents in PowerSchool (Can be used for Group of Students) 1.Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > (Incident List) Create New Incident (Can be used for Individual Student) 2.Start Page > Search/Select Student > Administration > Incidents > (Individual student’s incident page) Create New Incident
Incident Detail There are two sections in recording an Incident Incident Builder (2 components) 1.Participants2. Elements *Reporters*Behaviors *Victims*Actions *Offenders*Objects *Witnesses*Attributes (Participants may not always be students or staff at the school) Incident Description Type – Discipline (only selection) Date and Time Time Frame Title – used to filter searches/incident list Description Location (drop menu) Location Description Prepared by – who enters information into system Financial Impact
Creating Participants 1. Click the green to add a participant. This enables to search for student, staff, or other participants. 2. Click “Search” Highlight name to select or click, to manually enter someone who is not a student, staff member and is not someone in PowerSchool. 3. Click the green under Select Role(s) to detail participants individual role(s). (reporter, victim, offender, or witness)
Incident Elements 1. Click the under element section to add as much information as possible 2. Select an Action, Object, Behavior, and Attributes. 3. Once each element has been created the element will need to be “dragged” to the participant side of screen. xxxxxx Note: You must drag elements in the order below: 1. Behavior to participant 2. Action to behavior 3. Object to action This gives a “stair- step "effect. Order is important. If an incident has more than one participant and there are issues dragging and dropping elements onto the appropriate participant, try: *Add participate 1, drag elements. *Save incident and reopen. * Add participate 2, drag elements *Save incident. Continue process until all participants and elements have been added.
Reviewing Incident List Two ways to sort the incident list 1.Search Filter a.Date Range b.Incident Title c.Incident ID d.School (Community Zone) (Each of these filters require additional search elements) 2.Column titles (simplest) (Click column heading 1 time, incident will sort in ascending order) a. ID b. Title c. Incident Date Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > Incident Management allows administrators the ability to create, update, or delete a school incident Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management > Incident Management allows administrators the ability to create, update, or delete a school incident The Incident List page have several different hyperlinks that will connect to the incident detail screen where updates can be made, history changes can be viewed, or the incident can be deleted.
Discipline Reports 1.Start Page > 2.(Reports) ReportWorks > 3.Incident Management > 4.Set date range 5.To include all incidents types leave Selection of Incident Types field (blank) 6.Click, Submit 7.Refresh > “Completed” to download report At time of training Incident Management Reports are unavailable. Look for more information in the future ……..
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