Monday March 23 rd Lesson 25, Day 1
Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: Think of all the noises you hear outside. Which sounds do you like? Which sound don’t you like? Why? When I give you the signal, turn and talk with your partner using the stem below. I like to hear _________. I don’t like to hear ______ because _______.
Objective: To listen and respond to a story Read Aloud Read Aloud It Is the Wind
Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: because hear listen visitor should walk paper place city
Objective: To delete and add phonemes to make new words Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Deletion and Addition
Objective: To recognize and generate the sounds of u Long Vowel u When I say a word that begins with /yoo/ or/oo/, hold up your hand and say the sound. When I say a word that does not begin with /yoo/ or /oo/, hold your hand behind your back. Do the same with the middle sounds.
Word Blending t Objective: To build and blend words with /u/ and other known letter-sounds. u u et b b c b cub cut c t
Word Building u e Objective: To build and blend words with /u/ and other known letter-sounds. s u ect c b t b
When called go to your seat and label the paper with your name and date. It’s time to take our spelling pretest! Objective: To spell spelling words and high frequency words.
Reading We all like playing with cute dogs. Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.
Words to Know love listen because visitor Objective: To read high-frequency words.
Small Groups Let’s Read “Duke’s Work” When called go to your first rotation! Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.
Summarize Objective: To practice summarizing a story. Working DogHow It Helps
Fluency Objective: To read fluently in a manner that sounds like natural speech. Read “Duke’s Work” with a partner three to four times.
Read Aloud Objective: To set a purpose for listening “Jane Meets David Greybeard”
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary deserve usually peaceful
If you deserve something, you have worked hard to get it. deserve Strong male chimpanzees think they deserve to lead the rest of the chimps.
usually If you usually do something, you almost always do it. Jane saw that chimps usually live in groups.
When something is peaceful, it is calm and quiet. peaceful It was a very peaceful morning.
Vocabulary Practice/Apply On my signal, turn to your partner and tell them something that you deserve. On my signal, turn to your partner and tell them things that usually happened during thunderstorms.
Objective: To define, identify, and write verbs The noise he made scared the other chimps. Sometimes they howl and beat on their chests. Jane learned other surprising things.
Objective: To define, identify, and write verbs Verbs 1.We read at school. 2.I dream at night. 3.Jane skates fast. 4.My pet plays with me. 5.Jack catches the ball.
Write a sentence using a verb from the list. Objective: To define, identify, and write verbs List of Verbs
Objective: To understand what a research report is Research Report A research report has a title. The first sentence tells the main idea. The other sentences tell facts.
Objective: To understand what a research report is KWL KWL