1 LBT Q Eng/SW Review PWR: Site electrical power
2 Highlights (Q2/2008) Install power for PEPSI container on 3L, inprocess Install power for PEPSI container on 3L, inprocess Power monitoring indicated that we have no major problems Power monitoring indicated that we have no major problems The PF is about 0.83 inductive, MGIO has a capacitive load and would like us to not compensate our load The PF is about 0.83 inductive, MGIO has a capacitive load and would like us to not compensate our load Continue monitoring power quality Continue monitoring power quality
3 Open Issues Technical Technical None at this time None at this time Schedule Schedule Time to install PEPSI power, low priority Time to install PEPSI power, low priority Financial Financial Will have to purchase cable and connectors Will have to purchase cable and connectors Resource Resource None None
4 Planning (Q3/2008) Install connection point power for PEPSI at bridge location Install connection point power for PEPSI at bridge location Continue monitoring power quality Continue monitoring power quality Continue to install power for PEPSI container on 3L Continue to install power for PEPSI container on 3L
5 Mountain Work Procedure Use Issue Trak to submit work request, using this article in the Knowledge Base Use Issue Trak to submit work request, using this article in the Knowledge Base Article Nbr: 10 Title: Mountain Work Request Form Organization: Large Binocular Telescope Category: Work Request Form Keywords: Mountain Work Request Form Article: If you need to coordinate work on the telescope you must fill out and submit a Mountain Work Request Form. Here is what you do. 1) Submit an IssueTrak issue with the IssueType of "Mountain Work Request" 2) Remember the issue #. 3) Fill out the form that is an attachment to this article. Instructions on how to fill out the mountain work request form can be found at the end of the form. 3.a) Open the attachment (the form) and fill it out. 3.b) Save the form to your disk with the name of the IssueTrak issue # for the work request you submitted (the number mentioned in step 2, see above). Example, if the work request was submitted as issue # 857, name the mountain work request form as, 857a.doc, when you save it. 4) Attach the filled out request form to the IssueTrak issue. Entered By: Cushing, Norm on 30-Oct :56PM Modified By: Admin, Software on 31-Oct :55PM Attachments: Mountain_Work_Request_Form-1.doc 31-Oct :17AM Article Nbr: 10 Title: Mountain Work Request Form Organization: Large Binocular Telescope Category: Work Request Form Keywords: Mountain Work Request Form Article: If you need to coordinate work on the telescope you must fill out and submit a Mountain Work Request Form. Here is what you do. 1) Submit an IssueTrak issue with the IssueType of "Mountain Work Request" 2) Remember the issue #. 3) Fill out the form that is an attachment to this article. Instructions on how to fill out the mountain work request form can be found at the end of the form. 3.a) Open the attachment (the form) and fill it out. 3.b) Save the form to your disk with the name of the IssueTrak issue # for the work request you submitted (the number mentioned in step 2, see above). Example, if the work request was submitted as issue # 857, name the mountain work request form as, 857a.doc, when you save it. 4) Attach the filled out request form to the IssueTrak issue. Entered By: Cushing, Norm on 30-Oct :56PM Modified By: Admin, Software on 31-Oct :55PM Attachments: Mountain_Work_Request_Form-1.doc 31-Oct :17AM Attachments: Mountain_Work_Request_Form-1.docAttachments: Mountain_Work_Request_Form-1.doc