LEARNING STYLES, CAREER MATCHMAKER & MY SAVED CAREERS ILP 1/5 I CAN… Identify how I learn best. Identify and explain the results of a career interest inventory. Support my three career choices. BW…. What is the importance of completing a career interest inventory assessment such as career matchmaker on your ILP? Assignment 1. Learning Styles 2. Career Matchmaker 3. My Saved Careers 3-5
MY SAVED CLUSTERS & MY SAVED SCHOOLS ILP 1/6 I CAN… Support my post-secondary choices. Identify and explain the organizations and activities that I participate in at this time. Identify my career and life goals. BW…. What is post-secondary education? Assignment 1. Schools that Interest Me 2. Organizations and Activities 3. Career & Life Goals
ILP 1/7 I CAN…. Identify what careers I want to pursue and submit my Annual ILP Review to my homeroom teacher. BW…. What activities do you currently participate in at school or outside of school? Assignments 1. Post-Secondary Goals 2. Career Planning Activities 3. Community Service 4. My Education Plan
ANNUAL ILP REVIEW 1/8 I CAN…. Identify what careers I want to pursue and submit my Annual ILP Review to my homeroom teacher. BW…. What are your top three saved careers? Assignments 1. Annual ILP Review (due January 15, 2016)
ANNUAL ILP REVIEW Type in Word to complete Annual ILP Review. You need to describe what you want to do for a living that includes educational goals. This document needs to be in letter format to your homeroom teacher. If you pick actor, musician, or professional athlete please provide a backup plan. Save as Annual ILP Review 2015.