SEPAK TAKRAW By: Zerick D. Green
BACKGROUND/HISTORY Sepak Takraw is a sport played primary in Southeast Asia especially in Malaysia. It is similar to Volleyball, only you kick the ball instead of using your -hands. The origins of sepak takraw remains a matter of intense debate in Southeast Asia, as several countries proudly claim it as their own. There is, however, some agreement that the game was introduced to Southeast Asia through commercial contact with China, where an ancient form of the game originated. It is believed that many variations of the game evolved from an ancient Chinese military exercise, where soldiers would try to keep a feathered shuttlecock airborne by kicking it back and forth between two or more people. .
Background/HistoryContinued….. As the sport developed, the animal hide and chicken feathers were eventually replaced by balls made of woven strips of rattan.
REGULATION BALL The Sepak Takraw ball shall be a sphere of one woven layer having 12 holes with 20 intersections. It shall be made of natural rattan or synthetic fiber. If it is made of rattan, it shall consist of 9-11 strains. The circumference shall not be less than 0.42'm and not more than 0.44 m (0.43 m to 0.45 m for women). The weight before play shall not be less than 170 gm and not more than 180 gm (150 gm to 160 gm for women).
Basic Rules The rules are very similar to those in volleyball, with the following five important exceptions: The use of hands is not permitted. Each player may touch the ball only once before it is kicked over the net. There is no rotation in the defense position. It becomes a score (net in) even if the ball touches the net before falling into the companion court. The player who kicks a serve surely puts a leg (shaft foot) in the service circle, and takes a toss from the player who went into the quoter circle (the semicircle of a radius 90 cm done around the contact point of the center line and the sideline), and kicks the ball.
Start of Play The “Feeder” or “Striker” will toss the ball to the “Server” and he has to keep one foot in the circle while kicking the ball over. A point is awarded even if the ball touches the net and land within the court. The Regu will continue to serve each time they win a point. Each Regu is allowed up to 3 touches before returning the ball over the net. The player may not use their hands and a player is allowed to have more then one touch.
Scoring System A point is score once when the Regu hits the ball in bound that the opponent cannot return within 3 touches or when the opponent hits the ball that land out of bound untouched. Either side can score a point on any serve, but however the Regu who wins a point they will get the next serve. When either serving side or receiving side commits a fault, a point is awarded to the opponent side including making next service. A game consists of 2 sets. The winning point for a set is 21 points, unless the point is tied at 20-20, the set shall be decided on a difference of two points, up to a ceiling of 25 points. If each Regu wins one set, the game shall be decided in the third set called "Tiebreak" with 15 points unless the point is tied at 14-14, then the set shall be decided on a difference of two points, up to a ceiling of 17 points.
Game Play
CONCLUSION Sepak takraw is growing in popularity and there are many reasons why: - It's inexpensive - all you need is a ball - Practice alone or play with 2, 3 even ten friends - Played indoors, outdoors, on a beach - No hassle - easy to pack in your travel bag - It's fun - It's challenging. For more information about getting involved in Sepak Takraw visd iit these sites: