Bell Ringer: What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is College and Career Awareness? Your first CTE Class Activity based lessons that will provide you with: Role and Identity Career Awareness: Options, Requirements, Readiness College and Career Connections College and Career Planning AND LOTS OF…
Hands on experiences Career information Technology
What is CTE?
Career and Technical Education
CTE IS… Career & Technical Education Classes that provide you with the skills needed for future employment.
Game Time: Come up with Careers… Name three careers that were necessary in the making of “Napoleon Dynamite”.
What are Pathways? A system to help you link your class choices with your college and career choices. They ensure you will have depth of knowledge and skill in one or more areas.
Pathways continued…. CTE Pathways show students a direct connection between doing well in high school and being able to transition smoothly to postsecondary opportunities or getting a good job when they graduate. Students who focus on a Pathway acquire the skills necessary for entry into well-paid careers with high potential for rapid financial growth, increased levels of responsibility, and a high degree of personal satisfaction.
Consumer Economics Services Early Childhood Development Family and Human Services Fashion Design, Manufacturing & Merchandise Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition Food Services & Culinary Arts Hospitality Services Interior Design
Biotechnology Clinical Laboratory & Medical Forensics Medical Office Administrative Assistant DentalEMT Medical AssistantNursingPharmacySurgical Technician Therapeutic Rehabilitation/Exercise
Building TradesCommunication Mechanics & Repairs Precision Production Trades Personal Services Protective Services Transportation & Materials Moving Visual Arts
Marketing Entrepreneurship Marketing Management Sales & Service Marketing Travel & Tourism
Network SystemsTechnical Support Database Development & Administration Digital Media Programming/Software Development Web Development & Administration
Accounting & Finance Business Administrative Support Business Entrepreneurship & Operations Management Business Technology Support
Natural Resource Systems Food Production and Processing Systems Agriculture Systems Technology Plant SystemsAnimal Systems
Pre-Engineering (Utah Program) Project Lead the Way (National Program)
Game Time: Find a Pathway: Which of the following classes should someone take if they are interested in a Health Science pathway?
A. Customer Service B. 3D Design C. Medical Assisting D. American Sign Language
Find a Pathway: Which of the following classes should someone take if they are interested in an Agriculture pathway?
A. Accounting B. Biology C. Adult Roles D. Spanish
What is Work-Based Learning?
Work-Based Learning is… Fieldtrips Speakers Career Fairs Job shadows High school intern speakers
In College & Career Awareness we will also … Participate in Problem-Based Learning each term. Work with our fabulous school counselors. Support Math and Literacy skills. Learn how to prepare for education and training after high school which could be: One year (licenses or certificates) Two years (licenses, certificates, associate degree) Four years or more (bachelor degree, master degree, doctorate degree)
GAME TIME: Career Charades Your teacher will whisper a career to student actor. They must act out the career without speaking, while the rest of you guess the career.
Shark Tank:
Choices, Choices, Choices You have a chance this year to check out lots of Career Choices. You will see many careers and find out about the training needs to get and keep these jobs!
STEM and girls….
Welcome to……