Why measure Physical activity at the individual and population level?
methods Subjective objective
Population level 1.To document the frequency and distribution of physical activity in defined population groups 2.To monitor the achievement of physical activity guidelines and population trends over time. 3.To determine the amount or dose of PA required to influence specific health parameters
PA measurement at the population level 1.To study the relationship between physical activity and health conditions (for example cardiovascular risk factors, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer and mental health. 2.To identify the biological, psychological and environmental factors that influence physical activity. 3.To evaluate the effectiveness of large scale physical activity intervention programs.
Individual level of measuring 1.To detect change in an individuals health and or behaviour. 2.To determine the effect of any change in physical activity behaviour.
How do we measure? Objective Subjective 1.Heart rate (energy expenditure) 2.Observation (energy expenditure, PA behaviour, MET rate) 3.Accelerometer (level of activity 4.Pedometer 5.Diary or log 6.Questionnaire or survey
Physical Activity Monitoring and surveillance conceptual model (pg 7) DIRECT MEASURE 1.Leisure time (walking, organised and non sport play) 2.Transport (walking cycling) 3.Work (heavy labour) 4.Home (gardening, chores) 5.Other active transport
INDIRECT MEASURE 1.Leisure time (use of sport clubs, playgrounds, rec facilities, cycling trails 2.Transport (public use) 3.Schools (delivery of PE programs) 4.Other (fitness, coaches, )
Design a questionnaire page 15 Questionnaire, designed for an adult (18-65) Aim – to evaluate whether adults at the school met the National Activity Guidelines over the summer period, and what where their motivating factor? Do they consistently maintain this level of Physical activity? !When you have collected your information present it as a report, and discuss the down side of using a recall questionnaire. What would be a more accurate method?
Advice on maintaining PA What advice would you give to a person who regularly fails to maintain the National Physical Activity guidelines for their age? (use the information on page 4)