John R. Durant Senior Product Manager Microsoft Corporation SESSION CODE: OSP313
-Evolved developer platform with new services and extensibility -Connected cloud and on-premises services to a common Office PC, phone and browser user experience -Developer tools for all skill-levels, from Access to VBA and Visual Studio Better Office Application Development -Fluent UI & Backstage Programmability -Easier management with Visual Studio 2010 &.NET 4.0 -Application Compatibility Program Simpler Solution Design -Simplified InfoPath design -Access applications published and managed via Web -Access macro designer -Continued commitment to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Programmability For Office Data & Formats -Open XML SDK 2.0 -Word Services for document conversion/generation -Excel Services for calculation and rendering -InfoPath Services for forms management and deployment -Office formats: Open XML, PST, others Integrated Rich Platform Services -Integrated SharePoint workflow, authentication, other services -Web Services & standards-based interoperability -Integrate with hosted and on-premises SharePoint solutions
Session: Outlook Social Connector: Deployment and Development Overview (OSP317) Session: Developing Office Business Applications with Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (OSP-307)
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