Unit: 2 The Growing Structure Lesson:#1 Greenhouse parts, structures, and Coverings
1) What is the optimal location for greenhouses Have high natural light levels with moderate temperatures The surface of the ground (topography) should be level 0-5% slope Place greenhouse where they will receive the most morning sunlight to enhance photosynthesis IN MISSSOURI THE RIDGE OF THE GREENHOUSE SHOULD RUN NORTH AND SOUTH For states whose latitude is 40degrees north or above the ridge should run east to west
Availability of resources - ample water supply during peak production greenhouse require 2 quarts of water per day per square foot
Land - major factor in site location - effects marketing - legal permits and zoning may come into effect
2) What are the 2 basic types of greenhouses structures? Free standing (detached) Connected (attached)
3) What the different freestanding greenhouse structures? Even span (gabled) - The angle and width of the roof are equal - is a more useable space than other types and promotes good air circulation and maintains and even temperature in the greenhouse
Even span
Uneven span With one roof side longer Used on a hillside with southern exposure Captures more of the low light during winter than an even span
Gothic Arch Provides ample headroom and is used primarily to grow potted crops and spring flowers
Quonset Frame Developed during WWII / easy to construct Lower side walls reduce head room
A Frame
4) What are some advantages of freestanding greenhouse structures? Easier to maintain Uniform light with minimal shadows or shading Disadvantage - Cost more to construct than attached structures
5) What the different types of attached structures? Ridge and Farrow
Lean to
4) What is a Venelo greenhouse? Developed in the Netherlands Energy efficient super structure
5) What is a rovero greenhouse? Has a retractable roof