Feedback Control Systems (FCS) Dr. Imtiaz Hussain URL :


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback Control Systems (FCS) Dr. Imtiaz Hussain URL : Lecture-9 Mathematical Modelling of Electrical & Electronic Systems 1

Outline of this Lecture Part-I: Electrical System Basic Elements of Electrical Systems Equations for Basic Elements Examples Part-II: Electronic System Operational Amplifiers Inverting vs Non-inverting Examples 2


Basic Elements of Electrical Systems The time domain expression relating voltage and current for the resistor is given by Ohm’s law i-e The Laplace transform of the above equation is

Basic Elements of Electrical Systems The time domain expression relating voltage and current for the Capacitor is given as: The Laplace transform of the above equation (assuming there is no charge stored in the capacitor) is

Basic Elements of Electrical Systems The time domain expression relating voltage and current for the inductor is given as: The Laplace transform of the above equation (assuming there is no energy stored in inductor) is

V-I and I-V relations 7 ComponentSymbolV-I RelationI-V Relation Resistor Capacitor Inductor

Example#1 The two-port network shown in the following figure has v i (t) as the input voltage and v o (t) as the output voltage. Find the transfer function V o (s)/V i (s) of the network. 8 C i (t) v i ( t ) v 2 (t)

Example#1 Taking Laplace transform of both equations, considering initial conditions to zero. Re-arrange both equations as: 9

Example#1 Substitute I(s) in equation on left 10

Example#1 The system has one pole at 11

Example#2 Design an Electrical system that would place a pole at -3 if added to another system. System has one pole at Therefore, 12 C i (t) v i ( t ) v 2 (t)

Example#3 Find the transfer function G(S) of the following two port network. 13 i(t) v i (t) v o (t) L C

Example#3 Simplify network by replacing multiple components with their equivalent transform impedance. 14 I(s) V i (s) V o (s) L C Z

Transform Impedance (Resistor) 15 i R (t) v R (t) + - I R (S) V R (S) + - Z R = R Transformation

Transform Impedance (Inductor) 16 i L (t) v L (t) + - I L (S) V L (S) + - Li L (0) Z L =LS

Transform Impedance (Capacitor) 17 i c (t) v c (t) + - I c (S) V c (S) + - Z C (S)=1/CS

Equivalent Transform Impedance (Series) Consider following arrangement, find out equivalent transform impedance. 18 L C R

Equivalent Transform Impedance (Parallel) 19 C L R

Equivalent Transform Impedance Find out equivalent transform impedance of following arrangement. 20 L2L2 L2L2 R2R2 R1R1

Back to Example#3 21 I(s) V i (s) V o (s) L C Z

Example#3 22 I(s) V i (s) V o (s) L C Z

Example#4 23 V in C R L V out Find transfer function V out (s)/V in (s) of the following electrical network

Example#5 24 V in C1C1 R L V out Find transfer function V out (s)/V in (s) of the following electrical network C2C2 C3C3


Operational Amplifiers 26

Example#6 Find out the transfer function of the following circuit. 27

Example#7 Find out the transfer function of the following circuit. 28 v1v1

Example#8 Find out the transfer function of the following circuit. 29 v1v1

Example#9 Find out the transfer function of the following circuit and draw the pole zero map kΩ 100kΩ

END OF LECTURES-9 To download this lecture visit 31