Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING A RESEARCH CONCEPT NOTE Research Champions Workshop- Kampala April 2014
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY OUTLINE Introduction Why a concept note? Developing one page concept note Example of a concept note
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY INTRODUCTION Reference has been made to guidelines of National Institutes of Health(NIH)- USA Researches (investigations) have long term goal(s). Need short term goals that will contribute to achieving identified long term goal(s) Research proposal is a short term goal that should fit in the long term goal
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY WHY A CONCEPT NOTE? Will focus on one page note Preliminary and critical communication tool of the investigator’s intention to a funder Funding through : Investigator initiated (foundations, e.g.NIH) Request for Applications (RFA) (agencies) Request for Proposals (RFP) (Gov. agencies)
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY WHY A CONCEPT NOTE? Generates interest of the funder Enables an investigator get feedback from funders regarding viability of their intentions before delving into detailed development of the proposal
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY DEVELOPING A CONCEPT NOTE The issue to be addressed/hypothesis that is to be proved or disapproved and the research question Criteria for Research question FINER – an approach suggested for public health research and evaluation F – feasible I – interesting N – novel E – ethical R - relevant Panel discussion-One Health research competencies - priorities and gaps
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY DEVELOPING A CONCEPT NOTE ctd Criteria - FINER F – feasible I – interesting N – novel E – ethical R - relevant
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY DEVELOPING A CONCEPT NOTE Specific aims/objectives of the research that are aligned to address the question Must specify what is unique/innovative/how will this solve the problem being addressed Extensive relevant literature review (must include all prominent investigators in the field)
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY DEVELOPING A CONCEPT NOTE Finish by outlining precisely what will be accomplished at the end of the funding period Identify 3-4 key points that are the essence of the proposal. Repeat them 3-4 times in different places in the text worded differently.
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY CHOOSING PARTNERS Almost all serious investigations in OH require an integrated group with multiple complementary skills. Don’t be intimidated by lacking a skill Must choose appropriate collaborators who complement your skills, and strengthen the proposal, even if it means less money for everyone..
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY CHOOSING PARTNERS If it is a group effort, PI can be an issue; set out who does what, how papers are written and authorship lineup.
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY EXAMPLE OF A CONCEPT NOTE Cryptosporidiosis and microsporidiosis – major contributors to chronic diarrhea and wasting HIV/AIDS; known as “slim disease” Two genotypes: C. parvum, and C. hominis C. hominis is more prominent in babies; yet C. parvum more prominent everywhere else The question is: is there another mechanism of transmission beside-fecal oral
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY AN EXAMPLE OF A CONCEPT NOTE The question is: is there another mechanism of transmission beside-fecal oral
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY HYPOTHESIS To examine whether respiratory cryptosporidiosis and transmission commonly occur in infants and children. These include: the extent of RT involvement, using an expanded population of children from whom the clinical significance of respiratory cryptosporidiosis can be more rigorously assessed;
Emerging Pandemic Threats Program PREDICT RESPOND PREVENT IDENTIFY HYPOTHESIS CT’D comparing transmission rates in households with and without children with RT cryptosporidiosis. These studies will be conducted in Uganda.