OSG Area Coordinator’s Report: Workload Management August 20 th, 2009 Maxim Potekhin BNL 631-344-3621


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Presentation transcript:

OSG Area Coordinator’s Report: Workload Management August 20 th, 2009 Maxim Potekhin BNL

2 Overview Workload Management Areas of Activity: Engagement, data host, upgrade of Panda monitoring, ITB, MyOSG, WLCG Current Initiatives  Engagement of Nonproliferation Dept. at BNL  Working to resolve IDL licensing issue  Data Host  Working with RACF to establish a production server  Can be used with either glideinWMS (Igor expressed interest) or Panda  ITB  Rob Gardner’s idea of using Panda to enhance ITB testing capabilities  Plans for upgrade of Panda monitoring system and moving it to a modern platform  Joint project with USATLAS members based at CERN  WLCG interoperability  Resolving code issues in Panda Pilot (Jose) Accomplishments Since Last Report  Engagement of UW Milwaukee interdisciplinary research group  Proposal amended to establish a conservative commitment of OSG resources  Thoroughly discussed with researchers and J.McGee  Letter of support signed and included with the proposal  A good candidate for VO  BNL Nonproliferation Dept. users ran jobs on OSG  Migration to MyOSG as the source of data feed into Panda  Prototype feed tested (parsing XML)  Improvements to Data Host code

3 Overview Workload Management Issues / Concerns  Wrapping up Panda Pilot code for Atlas is taking quite a bit longer than expected  We have to do it simultaneously with ongoing development to accommodate Atlas needs