OSG Area Coordinator’s Report: Workload Management August 20 th, 2009 Maxim Potekhin BNL
2 Overview Workload Management Areas of Activity: Engagement, data host, upgrade of Panda monitoring, ITB, MyOSG, WLCG Current Initiatives Engagement of Nonproliferation Dept. at BNL Working to resolve IDL licensing issue Data Host Working with RACF to establish a production server Can be used with either glideinWMS (Igor expressed interest) or Panda ITB Rob Gardner’s idea of using Panda to enhance ITB testing capabilities Plans for upgrade of Panda monitoring system and moving it to a modern platform Joint project with USATLAS members based at CERN WLCG interoperability Resolving code issues in Panda Pilot (Jose) Accomplishments Since Last Report Engagement of UW Milwaukee interdisciplinary research group Proposal amended to establish a conservative commitment of OSG resources Thoroughly discussed with researchers and J.McGee Letter of support signed and included with the proposal A good candidate for VO BNL Nonproliferation Dept. users ran jobs on OSG Migration to MyOSG as the source of data feed into Panda Prototype feed tested (parsing XML) Improvements to Data Host code
3 Overview Workload Management Issues / Concerns Wrapping up Panda Pilot code for Atlas is taking quite a bit longer than expected We have to do it simultaneously with ongoing development to accommodate Atlas needs