Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar Secretary Ken Salazar  conducts mapping projects & runs the national parks system.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar Secretary Ken Salazar  conducts mapping projects & runs the national parks system

Department of Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (shown in the middle) (shown in the middle) promotes research into the causes and treatments of diseases

Department of Housing & Urban Affairs Secretary Shaun Donovan Secretary Shaun Donovan conducts city planning & promotes fair housing

Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Secretary Hilda Solis enforces laws related to working conditions

Department of Commerce Secretary Gary Locke  conducts the census & regulates foreign and domestic commerce

Department of the Treasury  prints all money & collects federal taxes through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Secretary Timothy Geithner Secretary Timothy Geithner

Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Secretary Ray LaHood oversees federal funds for building and improving roads, airports, and waterways

Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu Secretary Steven Chu  provides education for conserving energy

Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Secretary Tom Vilsack  tests and enforces food quality and safety & provides assistance to farmers

Department of Defense Secretary Bob Gates Secretary Bob Gates  coordinates & manages the military and armed forces

Department of Justice Attorney General Eric Holder Attorney General Eric Holder  enforces the federal system of laws & supervises the federal prison system

Department of Veterans Affairs  provides medical and burial benefits to veterans Secretary Edward Derwinski Secretary Edward Derwinski

Department of State Secretary Hilary Clinton Secretary Hilary Clinton  issues passports & conducts foreign affairs on behalf of the United States

Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan Secretary Arne Duncan  coordinates federal aid to state and local schools

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano Secretary Janet Napolitano  Try to prevent the United States from "terrorist" attacks.  Protect the borders of the U.S.

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