DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS Why is it important for NGOs to develop negotiating skills?
DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS Why are transparency and accountability important?
DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS What to think about before negotiating: Define the background. Understand the context. Determine our interests. What do we want and why do we want it? Define major issues. Define parallel and conflicting interests and positions. Determine flexibility – How much are we willing to compromise? Define, but protect our bottom line. Who can decide?
DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS Questions about our negotiating partners: Who are they? What do we know about their position? What are their interests? What are their goals? Do they have flexibility? Do we know their bottom line?
DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS Negotiating: Make a record. Provide time for private consultations. Encourage discussion. Speak with one voice. Know what you want and express your position clearly. Use expressions of pleasure and displeasure creatively. Make sure you understand the other side’s position.
DEVELOPING NEGOTIATING TOOLS AND SKILLS After the Negotiations: If you get agreement, what do you do to ensure it holds? If agreement is not signed, write it and show it. Agree on publicity. Press conference? What do you do/say if the entire effort fails?