News Headline Grades at risk because of student job demands: educator “It’s worth it” “More than they can handle”
What Skills Will Help Me Become That Person? Fundamental Skills Personal Management Skills Time Management Skills Organizational Skills Communication Skills Negotiating Skills Teamwork Skills Stress Management Skills
Fundamental (School) Skills There is a strong relationship between the skills you need to do well in school and those you need to do well in the workplace. Computer skills Leadership Skills Learning Skills Problem Solving Skills Teamwork Skills
What Employers Say When we have applicants right out of high school with little work experience, we look for experience related to high school projects and presentations. Did the job applicant get up and give a speech in class? That counts with us. We know that students don’t have much job experience, so we look for a good work record and good ethics even in high school. We look for people who are active as volunteers in their schools and communities. We want to see lots of teamwork and life experiences.
Personal Management Skills These are the skills that you use everyday to get yourself through the day. Time Management: knowing the difference between important and urgent. Stress Management: A balancing act. Organizational Skills: Being able to do 2 things: 1. Knowing how to find something when you need it 2. Remembering to do something that you are supposed to.
Organizational Skills: 2 Things 1. Knowing how to find something when you need it (favorite shirt, homework etc.) 2. Remembering to do something that you are supposed to do (assignment, buying a birthday card etc.)
Communication Skills: Who is really listening out there? Active Listening Skills: this means really listening – not just with your ears, but with your whole body and mind.
Active Listening Reflecting: repeat back to the speaker what you think you heard, using basically the same words. Paraphrasing: Put what you heard into your own words, and say them back. Clarifying: Ask for more details. Reflecting Feelings: Identify the emotion of the speaker and express it.
The “I Message” Formula “I feel …(upset, disappointed, unfairly treated…) …when you…(what the other person does that bothers you) …because…(give your reasons) …and what I want you to do is…(how you would like the other person to act).”
Negotiating Skills Majority Rule – where more than half the people get what they want, and the rest lose. Consensus – a unanimous agreement among a group of people. It is a “win-win” solution.
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