By Anand George Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Linked list Sorting No moving of data like in the array. But just exchange the links when needed. 1 link NULL 1 link NULL After Sorting Before Sorting Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Demo Linked list sorting. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Complications? How to deal? Try to get a reasonable understanding of the algorithm or the “logic”. Give your best effort to implement the logic by yourself even though you are sure you may not be able to do it. Debug, Debug and Debug. Make sure your stepping and breakpoint goes into all the if else cases in multiple iterations. Now look at working implementation. Debug and modify the working implementation. If you don’t understand a line comment out that line and see what difference it makes in the working implementation. See if you can make your implementation work? Don’t Try to understand the working implementation without having a proper understanding of the logic. Try to understand the working implementation without a sincere attempt from your side. Try to look at code of the working implementation and try to understand the follow without debugging. Remember you are not a computer you have to “think” and act like a CPU to understand the flow without the help of a debugger. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
If you need more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix your program. Linus Torvalds. Linux kernel coding style document - Unfortunately all the code your manager will ask you to understand and/or enhance/fix is not written by Linus or Linux Kernel. You need to get familiarize with all kind of complications and complexities when it comes to code written by others. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Summary Linked List Sorting How to deal with complicated logic in the code effectively. Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at
Thank you Copyright. All rights reserved. Content Owner - Meera R (meera at