Bell Ringer 10-3 Reach test questions 1-3 only Turn in all HW, missing work, Signatures, Square Constructions
Example 4 Find Midpoint in Coordinate Plane Answer: M(–3, 3)
Class Assignment - 6 minutes Distance and Midpoint Skills Packet Do 4, 5 and 8 (Find the midpoint only)
Example 5 Find the Coordinates of an Endpoint Write two equations to find the coordinates of D. Let D be (x 1, y 1 ) and F be (x 2, y 2 ) in the Midpoint Formula. (x 2, y 2 ) = (–5, –3)
Example 5 Find the Coordinates of an Endpoint Answer: The coordinates of D are (–7, 11). Midpoint Formula
5 minutes Skills Packet Do 9 and 10
Example 6 Use Algebra to Find Measures Understand You know that Q is the midpoint of PR, and the figure gives algebraic measures for QR and PR. You are asked to find the measure of PR.
Example 6 Use Algebra to Find Measures Use this equation and the algebraic measures to find a value for x. Solve Subtract 1 from each side. Plan Because Q is the midpoint, you know that
Original measure Example 6 Use Algebra to Find Measures
Example 6
Constructions p. 30 ‘Bisect a Segment
HW Skills Packet 1-7, all