OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Who Governs How much power do the media have? Can we trust the media to be fair? To What Ends What public policies will the media support? How can we read the media for persuasion and information?
NATURE OF THE MEDIA Politicians need them Use them (less party) Great freedom in US Freedom of Information Act (FCC licensing) Private ownership Profit Driven Bias Politicians fear them Critical of them Great Britain Official Secrets Act Publicly owned French punishment Italian ownership
PARTY PRESS Nature of the technology of the time Highly partisan Small circulation Expensive Elitist Subsidized
POPULAR PRESS Population Shifts New technologies Rotary press Telegraph Mass readership Profitable Balanced Sensationalized Independent (even critical)
MAGAZINE OF OPINION Yellow journalism Trustbusting Muckraking Investigative reporting News services National media corporations Lighter News
ELECTRONIC JOURNALISM Radio/TV Reach voters directly Fewer stories Shorter sound bites Many new outlets Narrowcasting
THE INTERNET Ultimate in free market news No control No regulation Unlimited opinion Candidate web sites Back to grassroots?
TYPES OF NATIONAL MEDIA Wire services AP, UPI Network news Evening TV Magazines Internet Cable National Newspapers
ROLES OF NATIONAL MEDIA Set the tone Better paid More liberal Gatekeeper Issue selection Scorekeeper Horse Race elections Watchdogs Investigation
DEMOCRATIC? Consider the following changes and characteristics of media in America, then comment on media as an institution in politics. Youth have moved away from political coverage Network news now covered by affiliates Media is big profit industry 4-5 large corporate providers Many satellite outlets Unregulated, free internet Independent of government