AFP – Technical Status 1.Cost estimates 2.Manpower estimates 3.First Actions AFP Kick-Off 03FEB2015 1 Michael Rijssenbeek.


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Presentation transcript:

AFP – Technical Status 1.Cost estimates 2.Manpower estimates 3.First Actions AFP Kick-Off 03FEB Michael Rijssenbeek

AFP 0+2 Single Arm, 2 Roman Pot Stations (206 m, 214 m) Earliest opportunity to install: Winter SSD (9 wks!) – AFP Beam Pipe section ~9 m – RP Stations + BPM – Cables – Vacuum, Cooling Tracking detectors (SiT) – 4 planes of 3D Silicon Pixels; edgeless (150 um) – provide L1 Trigger from FE-I4 HitOR outputs (e.g. 3 planes out of 4) – SiT can be installed during a short (6 hr) access NO Time-of-Flight for AFP0+2 (ToF) – ToF not needed/useful for 1-arm physics … only for study of time structure of backgrounds …  install only if the rest is done ! AFP Kick-Off 03FEB a VERY large job in VERY little time !

Summary TDR Draft version ready: – Some missing sections which are not too important for AFP 0+2 – Sections still needing words/ideas: L2 Trigger DCS Infrastructure Final Version in for Collaboration review (after AFP Kick-off) – Required for final version: – Clean-up – Critical read by AFP in this week ! Deadlines: Feb 2 Mo midnight: TDR vs.01, section responsibles sign-off on their sections. MR does cross-checks. TDR will be put on EDH on Feb 9. – Feb 9 Mo midnight: TDR vs.02, AFP-MB has signed off on whole TDR – ready for Collaboration review AFP Kick-Off 03FEB2015 3

Costs and Manpower and Time All WBS and Cost Books are in svn: – File: – To view: load AFP_WBS.xlsx, and all AFP_CostBook_*.xlsx where * stands for L2 tasks: RPS, SiT, ToF, TDAQ, Infrastructure, TestBeam, Installation, Commissioning Check costs, responsibilities, labor estimates, durations for your task! – modify yourself, or tell me what to change! Constants: Arms, Spares, valuta conversions, etc. in ‘Constants’-sheet in AFP_WBS.xlsx Final Version to be ready for Collaboration review (soon after this AFP Kick-off meeting) – Critical read by AFP Institutes ! Deadline: Feb 9 Mo midnight AFP Kick-Off 03FEB2015 4

Costs and Manpower and Time All WBS and Cost Books are in svn: – File: AFP Kick-Off 03FEB2015 5

Estimated Cost & Manpower: RPS AFP Kick-Off 03FEB Very Tight!

Example Scheduling (RPS) AFP Kick-Off 03FEB PRELIMINARY Stations MUST be fully ready for LHC final acceptance testing per mid Nov 2015

Roman Pot Stations Immediate order to VP for the Prototype Station (Prague CU ?) – price is good; speed is of the essence!  must ask CU to pay !! – follow by order of 1 st Station if prototype is accepted – (identify local contact engineer in Prague … Volunteers?) In parallel: Pot – Build 2 TOTEM pots at CERN – 1 Prototype AFP Pot by Alberta In parallel: RPS infrastructure – Flanges – Motor, ball screw, rails – LVDT, switches – tooling balls, … – about 50 KCHF for 3 Stations … Who Pays? 2 nd Station: – Who Pays? – and: we need 2 more for AFP2+2 … AFP Kick-Off 03FEB Note: Stations + Infrastructure are most urgent; Detectors can be installed during short access … for AFP0+2 the RPS and Pot are straight copies of TOTEM design

SiT AFP Kick-Off 03FEB2015 9

Silicon 3D Tracker – SiT Urgent: – need FE-I4 chips with metallization! seems to be solved – chips from Prague to IZM for UBM? IFAE pays for UBM – need Flex design and production! required for module (= bonded sensor + FE-I4) QA – cannot wait for layer card design and production! – therefore: special flex (cannot use the IBL flex for several reasons) – who does this ?? – need Layer Card & card Holder! Design, Production – Geneva is not available – Who then? Saclay ?? Prague CTU ?? Bologna ?? others ?? AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

TDAQ OptoBoards available and will be bought RCE on loan from SLAC ? L1 HitOR Trigger (LIP?) needs a EE designer and small production … – design trigger (majority) coincidence card (e.g. 3 out of 4 planes) – trigger driver, trigger receiver + CTP interface AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

AFP Kick-Off 03FEB Infrastructure

Actions: Infrastructure Infrastructure in the Tunnel – Prepare AFP Beam Pipe section design ASAP – BPM 1 BPM per arm (at 214 m station) define type, cables, installation location, procedure, … – Vacuum Pump – Cooling Vortex Cooling! – DCS Elzbieta has started on a detailed scheme AFP Beam/interlocks: contact with Sigi Wenig – Cables & Trays define cable types, numbers, paths from LHC-approved types patch panel layouts, locations AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

TB, Installation, Commissioning A similar WBS task exists for the ToF … Installation Tasks to be developed – Dummy beam pipe installation scenario – Cable tray installation, Cabling scenarios – RP Station installation – Detector exchange/installation AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

Actions This/Next Week Start process of Procurement & Engineering Change Requests – Tight collaboration with ATLAS TC profit from ALFA and TOTEM experience – Confer with Patrick & Sune for help – Order of business: Cable Trays: procurement, contact with LHC … Cable installation: define types, procurement, LHC certification … Station support and footing: adapt TOTEM Brackets to ALFA Table AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

AFP0+2 Cost Summary Need new Collaborators / new Responsibilities: – Not covered Detector Projects (=?): ~43 KCHF Si Tracker Card Si Tracker Holder (Reference Clock for ToF – for AFP2+2) – Not Covered Infrastructure (=??): ~193 KCHF RP Station 2 Flanges, Motors, Transducers, etc. Feedthroughs for SiT, ToF, Services RPS support tables AFP Beam Pipe BPM (1 per arm) Vacuum Pump Patch panels & Cables Institutional contributions should be confirmed at this time ! AFP Kick-Off 03FEB InstitutionCost ? 43 ?? 193 Barcelona IFAE 117 Cracow IFJ PAN 36 Milano 6 Olomouc(ToF) Oslo 8 Portugal LIP 9 Prague AS 12 Prague CTU(ToF) Prague CU 20 Stony Brook 4 SLAC (RCE Loan) 17 * Alberta 4 New Mexico(ToF) Arlington(ToF) TOTAL COST468 NOT COVERED (?, ??)236 *) under discussion

Summary Non-covered Items RPS infrastructure~73KCHF Tables, Flanges, Motor, Slide, Rails, LVDT, etc. 1 st (part) + 2 nd RP Station ~23KCHF TOTEM Pots ~13KCHF AFP Beam Pipe section, BPM, vacuum pump ~56KCHF Cables, trays, patch panels ~28KCHF DCS ~ 8KCHF SiT Flex design and production cannot wait for layer card design and production! Genoa, Oslo ?? SiT Layer card & card Holder ~36KCHF Who? Saclay ?? Prague CTU ?? Bologna ?? others ?? AFP Kick-Off 03FEB

Summary Manpower (2015) The estimate (also using ALFA experience) suggests we need: Urgent: – 1 FTE of onsite TC (+ 1 FTE PL FTE RC) – 0.5 FTE of onsite Project/Mechanical Engineer: assistance with oversight of RP Station assembly, Detector integration, LHC integration, installation. To work closely also with ATLAS TC. – 1.0 FTE of a good onsite Technician with experience in UHV work and electrical work: RP Station assembly, Detector integration, installation (~50% from FD M&O B) – 0.2 FTE of offsite Mechanical Engineer/Designer for the Silicon Tracker (sensor cards and holder in pot) Not Urgent: – 0.2 FTE for 0.3 year of Mechanical Engineer/Designer for the Time-of-Flight (detector holder) Some of the above could be split: it would be very advantageous to have a local mechanical/UHV engineer in Prague to follow the RP Station production and Vortex Cooling at Vakuum Praha and at CTU. This same person might also work on the Si Tracker holder. Similar manpower required for 2016: Installation of AFP2+2 in Winter SD 2016/17 AFP Kick-Off 03FEB ME+EE: 1.5 FTE 2.ET+MT: 1.5 FTE 3.Students: 3.0 FTE