Primary Considerations Site Considerations The community “Planned community” or no thought? Price range? Socio-economic category? Alive or dying community? Room for growth or restricted? Pride in ownership? Quality churches, schools and shopping areas? Police/Fire protection, water, sewer, gas and garbage service available? Workplace close? Public transportation? High rate of resale and turnover? Access and rights? Association?
Primary Considerations Cost and Restrictions Does it take into consideration needed improvements such as: Grading Fill Tree removal Drainage Title search: Legal claims, deed, restrictions, easements, etc.
Zoning and Codes Commercial Residential Single family Multi-family Sublet/Apartments Agricultural Industrial Civil/Governmental
Zoning and Codes Codes IBC – International building Code BOCA – Building and Occupational Codes of America Fire, Plumbing, Roofing, Concrete, Electrical, General Building, etc Permits Inspections Regulations
Topography Topographical drawings (Site Plan) Slope Contour Size Shape Elevation Trees Rocks Soil Conditions (septic and foundation) Water Conditions (digging of a well) Survey Utilities
Primary Considerations Family Needs Lifestyles Family size Family activities Quality of living
Drawings in a set of plans Plot (site) Plan Foundation Plan Floor Plan Elevations Electrical Plan Construction Details Pictorial Presentations Roof plan Roof framing plan Floor framing plan HVAC plan Plumbing plan Landscape plan Furniture plan