R E S I D E N T I A L I N T E R I O R D E S I G N C H A P T E R 1 INTRODUCTION Larger image files are available where noted with *
Prior to 2000, three model codes were used widely throughout the United States. In 2000, various, code entities came together to form the International Code Council (ICC), and to develop the International Building Code (IBC). See page 13 for information about specific code requirements and Federal accessibility regulations.
Ambient Light Provides general illumination that renders a uniform light level throughout the area or room. Accent Lighting (Also Referred to as Focal Lighting) Illuminates features, objects, and/or specif c areas. This type of lighting accents items or creates focal points… and can add to the general or ambient lighting. Task Lighting As the name indicates, task lighting has a job to do; it aids in performing work and specific tasks.
Luminaire is a term used to describe a complete lighting unit
Visual Thinking and Basic Design Graphics
Floor Plan Interior Elevation
Reflected Ceiling Plan